March 8, 2017
When you let your spiritual guard down, it is usually because you have begun to allow your faith in God to dry up. We need to learn to live with...
When you let your spiritual guard down, it is usually because you have begun to allow your faith in God to dry up. We need to learn to live with...
It is that time of the year again for our annual Resurrection Breakfast. I would love for all of our local churches and men’s ministries to send their pastor or...
Feb. 24 is my birthday. If you don’t know me by now, this much you should know and that is I never do anything halfway, halfhearted or what others might...
In honor of Valentine’s Day which was Feb. 14 and my wife Terri’s birthday, which is the 15th and since she is my Funny Valentine and the love of my...
I have always tried to challenge Christians, when it comes to sharing their faith with others, to do as much listening as they do speaking. What is essentially Good News...
The Gospel is so much more than just quickly repeating some words verbatim so that you don’t go to hell. It must not be reduced to nothing more than fulfilling...
Not too long ago there was an article in the New Yorker Magazine about the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Unfortunately, one of the top facts that this landmark...