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Friday, July 26, 2024


Comment Standards

Policies & Standards for User Posts

User Posts, whether appended to published content or submitted to Spout Off, are intended to foster an open exchange; viewpoints objectionable to some users may be encountered. Users agree to comply with all rules associated with website use, including user Posts. Although we are subject to inherent limitations, it is our earnest intent to observe and enforce all applicable rules. Compliant users are welcomed; non-compliant users may expect their Posts to be redacted and their accounts to be disabled, without warning. Report non-compliant behavior to or use available ‘flag’ notification buttons. Users agree that may modify, retransmit or delete any Post at its discretion, and that Posts or portions of Posts may be republished by Cape May County Herald.

Notwithstanding other user precepts and provisions (e.g., Visitor Agreement, Privacy Policy), the following rules are applicable regarding user Posts to any digital product of Seawave Corporation, dba Cape May County Herald:

THINK BEFORE YOU POST, and ask yourself these questions:

– Is it truthful?

– Is it beneficial?

– Is it fair to all concerned?

Posts reflecting the below-listed behaviors are expressly prohibited:

– Language or an image which is profane, vulgar, in poor taste, unintelligible, threatening or which incites violence. This includes language intended to simulate profanity (e.g., “sh!t”).

– Racial, ethnic or gender slurs

– Name-calling or ad hominem remarks

– Potentially libelous* statements about any person or business/organization. *Libel defined:

– Naming a private individual* in anything but a manifestly positive, truthful way. * A private individual is anyone not on the public/taxpayer payroll/contract nor actively involved in the public arena – i.e., a “public figure.”

– Posts under usernames which serve to appropriate the identity of another user or person

– The same user posting under different usernames within the same thread

– Posts which include an improper and derogatory spelling of a person’s name or username, including names of public officials

– Posts which serve to reveal the identity (e.g. name, contact information) of another user. [Users shall refer to other users by username only.]

– Complaints about landlords, employers or experiences with specific businesses. [Such complaints, if bona fide, may merit formal due process, for which the website is not a constructive alternative.] Report consumer complaints to county Consumer Affairs, 609-886-2903

– Posts which would reasonably be expected to unduly discredit or bring harm to others

– Posts containing unintelligible, incoherent or very ambiguous language

– Repetitive posts

– Posts which are off-topic, irrelevant or lack substance

– Posts typed in all capital letters

– Posts which constitute commercial promotion/advertising

– Posts containing any information, images, trademarks or copyrighted material without permission

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