Vince Conti is a reporter for the Cape May County Herald.
July 21, 2023
CAPE MAY – At its meeting, July 18, Cape May City Council received an update on the status of its project to modernize its aging desalination plant. The update was...
Vince Conti
Vince Conti is a reporter for the Cape May County Herald.
CAPE MAY – At its meeting, July 18, Cape May City Council received an update on the status of its project to modernize its aging desalination plant. The update was...
STONE HARBOR – Stone Harbor implemented a new parking protocol, May 1, that has, so far, resulted in 1,457 parking tickets being issued in the 60 days that ended June 30. July...
CAPE MAY and STONE HARBOR – Both Stone Harbor and Cape May held governing body meetings July 18. In both meetings, actions were taken to allow for the capital purchase...
STONE HARBOR – Stone Harbor Council, July 18, repealed portions of the municipal code dealing with loitering as an offense. The action was taken “to avoid the possibility that the...
CAPE MAY – On Dec. 20, Cape May City Council approved an agreement between the city and the non-profit Fund for Cape May for six ornamental and lighting arches on...