It’s hard to believe that summer is winding down and the school year will begin, as well as returning to sports! There definitely are some things you can look for to catch problems early, along with some things you can avoid early on to limit problems in the future. Here are a few things to look for in your kids.

Sports Overuse Injuries
Usually with the return of school comes the return of a variety of sports. There are so many sports kids are doing these days, and sometimes they get injured. Injuries are a natural consequence of playing hard and learning new activities. Where we need to be careful is when an injury is consistently there. Injuries can be described as Acute (recently occurring) and Chronic (lasting for a while). Ideally, we want the acute injuries to heal and not become chronic. If your child is having an injury that consistently is there and doesn’t seem to be getting better, you probably want to get it checked out.
Along with overuse injuries, concussions are something we see become more frequent as the school year starts. In children and teens, concussions are very concerning because of how their brains are changing and growing. Proper treatment and management of post-concussion symptoms are key to helping the brain to heal fully. If your son or daughter has had memory loss, difficulty concentrating, headaches, neck pain, vision problems, or just odd symptoms following an injury, schedule an appointment. We offer concussion rehab at Twinboro Physical Therapy and would be happy to do a FREE screening to determine if they need further treatment.
If your child seems to have bad posture and, even with you telling them to sit up straight, they can’t correct this themselves, they may need some help.
If you have any physical therapy questions, please reach out to Twin Boro Physical Therapy.
Colleen Goodwin the clinical director as over 24 years of physical therapy experience to help you with your needs.
Physical Therapy in Cape May Court House, NJ | Twin Boro