Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The Good God Life

The Darkest Day Brought the Brightest Light

By Amy Patsch

As we remember the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ and His amazing resurrection three days later it would be my pleasure if you would join me as we travel back to ancient, hot, dusty, Jerusalem 2000 years ago.

We are journeying with our families to Jerusalem for the celebration of the Passover Feast along a road crowded with many other pilgrims. There is joy as we breathe in the spring air and share the crowd’s excitement. Passover is one of the most important festivals for all Israelites.

We enter the City gates with those who come to celebrate every year to remember the Passing Over of the Angel of Death – the Tenth Plague – which killed the firstborn of every man and beast in Egypt except for the Israelites who had marked their doorposts with the blood of a sacrificed lamb. That final plague was what turned Pharaoh’s heart, finally ending centuries of slavery and sending the Hebrew nation on a journey to occupy this land that God had given us.

As we happen upon the trial of Jesus we see the frustration of His followers as they helplessly watch with us from amid the inflamed crowds when He is convicted of a fabricated crime. Worse even, being totally innocent, we see Jesus is immediately sentenced to death – there is no appeal available.

We empathize with the dread in His followers’ hearts as they tell us they know Jesus is the Christ, our long-awaited Messiah, our Savior and Redeemer. They are questioning ‘what now?’ Will God the Father send His angel army to save Him? They do not yet believe the words Jesus told them about His dying and rising again on the third day – not yet.

We see no one step out of the crowd to prevent this wrongful crucifixion although even Pilot, the Governor who ordered Jesus’ death, does not believe He is guilty.

The very person in charge of governing Jerusalem is so afraid of the crowds, either for his own safety or of his judicial position, that he chooses to stand back and watch an innocent man die one of the most horrible deaths ever imagined rather than do the right thing. We watch in horror as Jesus is marched out of the city, up to Golgotha, where He is gut-wrenchingly nailed to the cross.

We wander back inside the city still stunned and sorrowfully make our way among the jubilant pilgrims shopping for goods as they prepare for the Passover feast having no idea that a crucifixion has taken place outside the walls.

Everyone including us is confused when at noon on this sunlit day the sky turns black. All of us are fairly terrified as the darkness continues for three intensely long hours.

We decide to seek solace from our fears at the Temple. The very moment the Designer and Creator of the Earth says, “It is finished” we feel the earth begin to quake. We see the Bronze Laver of cleansing water rock back and forth and watch amazed as its water washes out and down towards the City as if the great purifying tears of The Father. At this very same moment, an unimaginable sound screams out of the Temple and flows with the water down the hill as the beautifully embroidered curtain separating the outer Temple from the Holy of Holies is rent from top to bottom – ripped apart by the will of God Himself.

The horror of the Savior’s death is now felt by all of us inside and beyond the City’s walls.

There has never been a Passover like this one nor will there be another like it. The confusion, the terror, the signs and wonders. Word of the crucifixion spreads quickly. Conviction enters the hearts of those who have heard the Savior speak. Solemn days of mourning are intermingled with the remaining celebration of Passover of those around us.

Three long days and then we hear strange noises of jubilation. Rumors that Jesus is alive. We search the city with others for proof of this. If it is true, Jesus is indeed the Messiah. Oh, that this is true.

We see Him! The one to whom John the Baptist pointed and said, “The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” He who was sacrificed as the Paschal lamb is risen!

The slaying of innocent Jesus occurred during this Passover week all in accordance with the perfect calendar of God. Nothing was left to chance, everyone was in place to fulfill the perfect redemption of man to God by a perfect God-man dying for our sins and defeating death.

Indeed, the darkest day brought the world the brightest light – Jesus our Savior.

ED. NOTE: Amy Patsch writes from Ocean City. Email her at


Amy Patsch writes religious and faith-based opinion content for the Cape May County Herald.

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