Thursday, March 6, 2025


That’s not Why Harris Lost

By John Fruncillo, Avalon

To the Editor:

I really enjoyed the tongue-in-cheek letter from Maureen Leidy in the Nov. 13 edition of the Herald. It was a hilarious parody of the reasons that Harris lost the election as well as the subsequent hand ringing that is all over the national news.

She rejected every reason that has been given for the loss (the border, the economy, unions, Social Security, even reaching back to FDR) and put the blame on the one thing that was not at issue – the fact that she’s a woman.

I especially loved the inclusion of religion and multiple races in a single sentence – “a black/Asian woman married to a white Jew.” I don’t think there was a single area of the political arena that she missed. Classic.
I hope that the majority of your readers also saw the humor in her letter.

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