STONE HARBOR – Borough Administrator Manny Parada has recommended that the governing body accept the state’s calculation of the borough’s affordable housing obligation for the fourth round of the New Jersey affordable housing process, which runs from 2025 to 2035.
Parada, speaking at the Borough Council’s Dec. 3 meeting, said the borough obligation was 22 units; the state website lists a prospective need in Stone Harbor for 26 units. An explanation for the discrepancy was not immediately available. Parada added that the acceptance recommendation originated with the borough’s special counsel for affordable housing issues.
The new affordable housing law signed by Gov. Phil Murphy in March requires that all municipalities adopt a resolution determining their present and prospective affordable housing needs by Jan. 31, 2025. Unlike past rounds, this one requires an action by the governing body to either accept the state calculation or challenge it with a municipal calculation based on the standards in the law.
In Stone Harbor, meeting the obligation of 22 or 26 affordable housing units by 2035 will be a challenge, given high property values and the already built-out nature of the town.
Once the municipality has established its obligation through resolution in January, the next deadline for action is June 30. By that time towns must adopt their housing element and fair-share plans demonstrating how they will provide realistic opportunities for the number of affordable housing units needed.
A third part to the process allows that plan to be challenged by interested parties until Aug. 31, 2025. Any challenges are resolved through a dispute resolution program defined in the law.
Contact the reporter, Vince Conti, at