STONE HARBOR – The Borough Council has made changes to the membership of its Flood Mitigation Committee. Robin Casper, chair of the council’s Natural Resources Committee, agreed to step down from the committee, and newly appointed council member Ken Biddick, chair of Utilities, replaced her.
The three council members now on the Flood Mitigation Committee are Bunny Parzych, chair of Public Works, Jennifer Gensemer, chair of Administration and Finance, and Biddick. By statute no more than three members of the six-member council can meet on official business without triggering the need for a public meeting.
Also added Feb. 4 to the committee were Angelo Caracciolo from the Zoning Board, Wayne Conrad from the Planning Board and Frank Vaul from the Office of Emergency Management. There are 15 seats on the committee, 14 of which are filled; the borough administrator’s seat is now vacant due to the firing of Manny Parada.
The Flood Mitigation Committee was formed to monitor an ongoing pilot study of the use of control valves along the bay front as a means of reducing bay-side flooding. The committee, created by the council April 2, 2024, will also investigate alternative means for flood control and mitigation, continue monitoring bulkheads throughout the borough and gather data to establish a baseline and history of flooding.
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