Please be advised, the State has recently adopted legislation that has made it possible for The Borough of Stone Harbor to hold Council Meetings via electronic means. While this scenario is not ideal, the Borough believes it is necessary to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of our citizens during the COVID19 Coronavirus crisis.
The Work Session portion of the Council meeting is scheduled to begin at 4:30pm. The Regular Meeting will begin immediately following the close of the Work Session.
Any person wishing to participate in the meeting can do so via ZOOM. The login information is listed below.
Via Laptop/Computer Join Zoom Meeting by clicking on the following link:
(You DO NOT need a ZOOM account in order to participate)
Via Smart Phone/IPAD/Tablet
Download ZOOM App
Tap on APP – Choose Join – Enter Meeting ID
Meeting ID: 940 0643 6861
If calling into the meeting – Dial by your location and enter Meeting ID when prompted.
If you are local you will dial the 1-646-558-8656 and enter the meeting ID# 940 0643 6861
**Choose Call In Telephone Number According to Your Location:
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US
+1 301 715 8592 US
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 940 0643 6861
Please be advised that all attendees will be muted during the meeting until the Public Comment portion of the meeting. Anyone wishing to address Mayor and Council will have the option to “Raise Your Hand”.
If attending the meeting via video conference on your desktop computer/laptop there is a tab “Raise Your Hand” that you would click on. If attending the meeting via Smartphone/ipad or tablet access the menu at the bottom of the screen, choose “more” then tap “Raise your Hand” and if you are calling into the meeting via phone you would choose *9.
Each person wishing to address Mayor and Council will be called on individually and asked to state their name and address. Please be patient. The ZOOM platform offers the Borough of Stone Harbor the ability to conduct business and continue with standard operations.
If anyone has any questions regarding the ability to access the April 21, 2020 Borough of Stone Harbor Council meeting please contact or (609)368-6800 X3
Please click on the following link(s) to access the April 21, 2020 Borough of Stone Harbor Council Agenda:
April 21, 2020 Borough of Stone Harbor Work Session Agenda
April 21, 2020 Borough of Stone Harbor Regular Meeting Agenda
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