MARCH 21, 2017
10:00 A.M.
A regular meeting of the North Wildwood City Council was held in the morning of the above date in the City Hall. The President of Council stated, “The meeting is now open. Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by posting a copy of the revised notice of the time and place of this meeting on the City Clerk’s bulletin board and by mailing a copy of the same to The Herald, The Press and Wildwood Leader on January 4, 2017.”
ROLL CALL: Present were Mayor Patrick Rosenello, President of Council Salvatore Zampirri, Councilpersons Edwin Koehler, Margaret Bishop, Kellyann Tolomeo, James Kane, David Del Conte and Joseph Rullo. Also present were City Administrator Kevin Yecco, Solicitor William Kaufmann and Engineer Ralph Petrella.
MAYOR ROSENELLO stated that the Margaret Mace School Girls Varsity Basketball Team has had an exceptional 2-year record of wins (42-0) and various area championships. Congratulations to Coaches Jean and Liz Golden for their outstanding success. Mayor Rosenello read the following proclamation:
WHEREAS, The Margaret Mace School Girls Varsity Basketball team and staff, are being honored for their keen competitive spirit and dedication to Athletic Excellence; and
WHEREAS, The Falcons demonstrated superlative athletic ability, effort, and self-discipline, as evidenced by their accomplishments and success highlighted by capturing, back to back victories in the Scoop Taylor Tournament, the Island Tournament, the Optimist Tournament, Atlantic Cape Jr. High Division 4 Champions, and two undefeated seasons with a 42-0 record; and
WHEREAS, The members of the Falcons Girls Basketball Team being honored are:
Marianna Papazoglou Imene Fathi Elizabeth Buckwald
Leah Benichou Morgan Delaney Ruby Taylor
Riley Kane Torence Gallo Haley DiSomma
Shayna Carter Rickii Davis Maya Benichou
WHEREAS, Under the capable direction and support of team Coaches: Jean Golden and Liz Golden; Team Manager: Holly Turner; and
WHEREAS, The team members and staff have demonstrated exemplary determination, skill, and the finest qualities of true champions; therefore earning the pride and admiration of their school and community.
NOW, THEREFORE, The Mayor and City Council of the City of North Wildwood hereby wish to congratulate and extend best wishes to the Margaret Mace School Girls Varsity Basketball Team.
A copy the Mayor’s proclamation was presented to each player, coach and manager, and numerous pictures were taken.
MINUTES: On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, that the minutes of the regular meeting of March 7, 2017 and the Special Meeting of March 10, 2017 be approved as read. Carried.
RE: Earth Day/Environmental Education Week Activities
On a motion by Kane, seconded by Tolomeo, that the above correspondence be received, accepted and filed. Carried.
MARCH 21, 2017
RE: Technology Risk Assessment
On a motion by Kane, seconded by Tolomeo, that the above correspondence be received, accepted and filed. Carried. City Clerk Jett explained that the Joint Insurance Fund awarded a contract to Pivot Point Security to undertake risk assessments for all municipalities in an effort to reduce exposures due to hacking, cyber-attacks, and the like. Pivot Point will follow up with each municipality, seeking ways to enhance policies and procedures and reduce risks. This assessment has been carried out at no cost to the City through the use of contingency funds in the JIF budget.
RE: Special Olympics 5K Run, March 25
On a motion by Rullo, seconded by Bishop, that the above special events application be approved. Carried.
RE: Memorial Day Service, May 29
On a motion by Rullo, seconded by Bishop, that the above special events application be approved. Carried.
RE: Flag Day Service, June 14
On a motion by Rullo, seconded by Bishop, that the above special events application be approved. Carried.
North Wildwood Volunteer Fire Company:
Casey Hunt Volunteer Firefighter
On a motion by Kane, seconded by Del Conte, the above appointment be confirmed. Carried.
Total monies collected for the Month:…………………………………$ 118,379.08
Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer……….………………….$ 87,846.68
Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer………………………….$ 375.00
Totals in NW for Month: Deaths -0- Marriages -0- Births -0-
Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer……………………..…….$ 25,803.14
Total Incidents and Inspections for the Month………………………… 481
Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer……………………..…….$ 17,226.55
Total Incidents and Inspections for the Month………………………… 224
Total monies turned over to the City Clerk’s Office……………… …………..$ 331.25
Total Incidents Handled by the Department for the Month…………….. 2,552
Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer……………………………. $1,775.00
Total # persons using Recreation Center….……………………………………….5,633
MARCH 21, 2017
Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer…………………………….. $3,515.00
Total # persons using Recreation Center….……………………………………….5,330
Total NW Calls for Month……………………………………………………………9
Total NW Adoptions for Month………………………………………………………1
Total Reclaims for Month…………………………………………………………….0
Total NW Adoptions for Month………………………………………………………2
Total Reclaims for Month…………………………………………………………….0
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, that the above reports be received and filed as presented. Carried.
ORDINANCE NO. 1709 – On a motion by Rullo, seconded by Koehler, that Ordinance No. 1709 be placed on its second reading. Carried.
The City Clerk read Ordinance No. 1709 by its title, as required by Law, known as “City Of North Wildwood Calendar Year 2017 Ordinance To Exceed The Municipal Budget Appropriation Limits And To Establish A Cap Bank (N.J.S.A. 40A: 4-45.14)“.
This Ordinance has been published according to Law, posted on the City Clerk’s bulletin board with copies available in the City Clerk’s Office on request.
The President of Council stated this was the time and place to hold a public hearing on Ordinance No. 1709 and asked if anyone present had any objections to the passage of this Ordinance. Hearing none, he then asked the City Clerk if he had received any objections in writing, the City Clerk stated none, the President of Council declared the hearing closed.
On a motion by Rullo, seconded by Bishop, that Ordinance No. 1709 be passed on its second reading and published according to Law, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared Ordinance No. 1709 duly adopted.
ORDINANCE NO. 1710 – On a motion by Kane, seconded by Bishop, that Ordinance No. 1710 be placed on its second reading. Carried.
The City Clerk read Ordinance No. 1710 by its title, as required by Law, known as “An Ordinance Amending Chapter 322 Of The Code Of The City Of North Wildwood“.
This Ordinance has been published according to Law, posted on the City Clerk’s bulletin board with copies available in the City Clerk’s Office on request.
The President of Council stated this was the time and place to hold a public hearing on Ordinance No. 1710 and asked if anyone present had any objections to the passage of this Ordinance. Hearing none, he then asked the City Clerk if he had received any objections in writing, the City Clerk stated none, the President of Council declared the hearing closed.
On a motion by Tolomeo, seconded by Koehler, that Ordinance No. 1710 be passed on its second reading and published according to Law, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared Ordinance No. 1710 duly adopted.
ORDINANCE NO. 1712 – On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Del Conte, that Ordinance No. 1712 be placed on its first reading. Carried.
MARCH 21, 2017
The City Clerk read Ordinance No. 1712 by its title, known as “An Ordinance To Be Known As The “Salary Ordinance” Fixing And Determining The Salary And Compensation Ranges To Be Paid To The Elective And Appointive Officers Of The City Of North Wildwood, In The County Of Cape May And State Of New Jersey Providing For The Raising Of The Amounts Thereof By Taxation And Providing For The Time And Meeting Of Payment Thereof“.
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Rullo, that Ordinance No. 1712 be passed on its first reading and published according to Law, the City Clerk called the roll, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared Ordinance No. 1712 passed on its first reading.
ORDINANCE NO. 1713 – On a motion by Rullo, seconded by Kane, that Ordinance No. 1713 be placed on its first reading. Carried.
The City Clerk read Ordinance No. 1713 by its title, known as “An Ordinance Supplementing And Amending Ordinances 3, 194 And 1489, As Amended And Codified In The Chapter 382 Of Code Of The City Of North Wildwood And Repealing Ordinance 103“.
On a motion by Tolomeo, seconded by Rullo, that Ordinance No. 1713 be passed on its first reading and published according to Law, the City Clerk called the roll, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared Ordinance No. 1713 passed on its first reading.
# 97-17
RE: Authorizing 2017 Municipal Budget Be Read By Title Only
The above resolution was offered by Rullo, seconded by Kane, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
Auditor Leon Costello explained that the budget process began a number of months ago. This budget funds necessary capital projects along with contractual obligations. Expenditures are $1.37 million under the spending cap and the tax levy is $1.24 million under the levy cap. There is an increase in the fund balance. This is a good budget for the City.
President of Council Zampirri stated that this is the time and place for the public hearing for the 2017 Municipal Budget.
Upon hearing no comments from the public, the President of Council then asked the City Clerk if he had received any in writing with the answer none. The President of Council then asked for a motion to close the public hearing.
On a motion by Rullo, seconded by Kane, that the public hearing be closed. Carried.
# 98-17
RE: 2017 Municipal Budget
The above resolution was offered by Bishop, seconded by Tolomeo, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
MARCH 21, 2017
# 99-17
RE: To Affirm The City Of North Wildwood’s Civil Rights Policy With Respect To All Officials, Appointees, Employees, Prospective Employees, Volunteers, Independent Contractors And Members Of The Public That Come Into Contact With Municipal Employees, Officials And Volunteers
The above resolution was offered by Rullo, seconded by Kane, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 100-17
RE: Extending Grace Period For Interest Payments On Sewer Bills
The above resolution was offered by Bishop, seconded by Tolomeo, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 101-17
RE: Appointing Nicholas Long Qualified Purchasing Agent Of The City Of North Wildwood In Accordance With The Provisions Of N.J.S.A.40A:11-9g
The above resolution was offered by Rullo, seconded by Kane, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 102-17
RE: Authorizing The Sale Of Surplus Property No Longer Needed For Public Use On An Online Auction Website
The above resolution was offered by Kane, seconded by Tolomeo, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 103-17
RE: Awarding Professional Services Contract To The Richard Stockton College Coastal Research Center For Beach Monitoring Services
The above resolution was offered by Rullo, seconded by Del Conte, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 104-17
RE: Approving Certified Lists Of Individuals Qualifying For 2016 Length Of Service Program Credits
The above resolution was offered by Tolomeo, seconded by Del Conte, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 105-17
RE: Authorizing City Clerk To Advertise For Bids For The Purchase And Delivery Of Trash Receptacles For The City
The above resolution was offered by Bishop, seconded by Kane, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted. Mayor Rosenello stated that the City will be replacing the 55-gallon trash cans on the beach with new plastic receptacles that have lids.
MARCH 21, 2017
# 106-17
RE: Identifying Employees Assigned To State Or County Task Forces Or Teams And Municipal OEM Volunteers And CERT Team Members For Insurance Purposes
The above resolution was offered by Rullo, seconded by Koehler, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 107-17
RE: Rescheduling April 4, 2017 Council Meeting To April 5, 2017
The above resolution was offered by Rullo, seconded by Kane, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted. City Clerk Jett stated that the contract for the 2017 Beach Fill project is tied to Bond Ordinance No. 1711, which does not become effective until April 5. As the CFO cannot certify funds for the award of that contract on the regular meeting date, Council deems it appropriate to postpone the April 4 Meeting for one day in order to award said contract.
# 108-17
RE: Authorizing An Emergency Contract For Beach Fill Services To Repair Shore Protection Infrastructure Damage Caused By March 14-15, 2017 Winter Storm And Prior Weather Conditions
The above resolution was offered by Kane, seconded by Koehler, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted. Administrator Yecco stated that this emergency contract is awarded to Arthur Henry, Inc., which was also the low bidder on the 2017 Beach Fill project. Arthur Henry will carry out work designed to build up the beach area between 2nd and 5th Avenues which has been severely damaged by the recent storm. The contract for the regular project will be awarded by Council on April 5.
On a motion by Bishop, seconded by Tolomeo, authorizing payment of all approved vouchers. Carried. As per Resolution #11-17, all bills listed below be paid and warrants drawn by the proper officers for the stated amounts.
Check # | Check Date | Vendor Name | Net Amount |
42927 | 3/16/2017 | NJ STATE HEALTH BENEFITS PRGRM | 198,115.32 |
42928 | 3/21/2017 | ASPHALT PAVING SYSTEMS, INC | 1,215,797.44 |
42928 | 3/21/2017 | ASPHALT PAVING SYSTEMS, INC | 196,138.21 |
42929 | 3/21/2017 | AMERIFLEX | 465.50 |
42930 | 3/21/2017 | GOLD MEDAL ENVIORMENTAL NJINC | 2,973.00 |
42931 | 3/21/2017 | BOROUGH OF WILDWOOD CREST | 15,950.30 |
42932 | 3/21/2017 | Blaney & Karavan, P.C. | 1,282.50 |
42933 | 3/21/2017 | Barker, Gelfand & James, PC | 4,659.85 |
42934 | 3/21/2017 | CARLSEN GROUP INC, THE | 95.00 |
42935 | 3/21/2017 | C.M.C.M.U.A. | 9,558.46 |
42936 | 3/21/2017 | C.M.C. CONFERENCE OF MAYORS | 325.00 |
42937 | 3/21/2017 | CAPE PROFESSIONAL BILLING, INC | 844.06 |
42938 | 3/21/2017 | CAPEHART & SCATCHARD, P.A. | 5,235.45 |
42939 | 3/21/2017 | ATLANTIC CITY ELECTRIC | 35,781.14 |
42940 | 3/21/2017 | CAFIERO & KAUFMANN | 904.50 |
42941 | 3/21/2017 | COMCAST | 601.96 |
42941 | 3/21/2017 | COMCAST | 693.36 |
42942 | 3/21/2017 | DELTA DENTAL PLAN OF NJ | 9,425.47 |
42943 | 3/21/2017 | DELL COMPUTER CORP. | 1,133.15 |
42944 | 3/21/2017 | STEPHEN DE HORSEY JR | 150.00 |
42945 | 3/21/2017 | EAGLE POINT GUN | 2,414.72 |
42946 | 3/21/2017 | FBI – LEEDA | 50.00 |
42947 | 3/21/2017 | GLOUCESTER CTY POLICE ACADEMY | 120.00 |
42948 | 3/21/2017 | G.F.O.A. OF NEW JERSEY | 90.00 |
42949 | 3/21/2017 | Guardian Document destruction | 173.93 |
42950 | 3/21/2017 | KERRY HALL | 40.00 |
42951 | 3/21/2017 | JENNIFER VAN SANT | 38.85 |
42952 | 3/21/2017 | ROBERT LUBBERMAN | 40.00 |
42953 | 3/21/2017 | LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INS CO | 28,950.18 |
42954 | 3/21/2017 | M V Engineering, LLC | 725.00 |
42954 | 3/21/2017 | M V Engineering, LLC | 125.00 |
42954 | 3/21/2017 | M V Engineering, LLC | 125.00 |
42954 | 3/21/2017 | M V Engineering, LLC | 531.25 |
42954 | 3/21/2017 | M V Engineering, LLC | 187.50 |
42955 | 3/21/2017 | MARSH & MCLENNAN INC | 6,000.00 |
42956 | 3/21/2017 | NEW JERSEY STATE LEAGUE OF MUN | 60.00 |
42957 | 3/21/2017 | NORTH WILDWOOD BD OF EDUCATION | 574,623.00 |
42958 | 3/21/2017 | NJSACOP | 894.00 |
42959 | 3/21/2017 | N.J. CAREER FIRE CHIEF’S ASSOC | 375.00 |
42960 | 3/21/2017 | NATHAN VAN EMBDEN | 360.00 |
42960 | 3/21/2017 | NATHAN VAN EMBDEN | 480.00 |
42960 | 3/21/2017 | NATHAN VAN EMBDEN | 160.00 |
42960 | 3/21/2017 | NATHAN VAN EMBDEN | 80.00 |
42960 | 3/21/2017 | NATHAN VAN EMBDEN | 1,800.00 |
42961 | 3/21/2017 | NEW HORIZON COMMUNICATIONS | 4,135.00 |
42962 | 3/21/2017 | THE PRESS | 175.02 |
42963 | 3/21/2017 | GRUCCIO,PEPPER,DESANTO & RUTH | 238.00 |
42964 | 3/21/2017 | REGISTRAR’S ASSOC OF NJ | 50.00 |
42965 | 3/21/2017 | SANDPIPER MONOGRAMMING, INC. | 251.00 |
42966 | 3/21/2017 | SOUTH JERSEY GAS CO | 6,928.11 |
42967 | 3/21/2017 | TCTA NJ MEMBERSHIP SERVICES | 100.00 |
42968 | 3/21/2017 | TRIAD ASSOCIATES | 1,637.50 |
42969 | 3/21/2017 | TENANTSAFE INC | 17.00 |
42970 | 3/21/2017 | TREASURER, STATE OF NEW JERSEY | 100.00 |
42971 | 3/21/2017 | TDS COMMUNICATION TECH. SOL | 810.51 |
42972 | 3/21/2017 | TRINITY CODE INSPECTIONS LLC | 10,872.80 |
42972 | 3/21/2017 | TRINITY CODE INSPECTIONS LLC | 14,638.40 |
42973 | 3/21/2017 | VAN NOTE-HARVEY ASSOCIATES | 314.10 |
42973 | 3/21/2017 | VAN NOTE-HARVEY ASSOCIATES | 240.60 |
42973 | 3/21/2017 | VAN NOTE-HARVEY ASSOCIATES | 240.60 |
42973 | 3/21/2017 | VAN NOTE-HARVEY ASSOCIATES | 262,448.51 |
42973 | 3/21/2017 | VAN NOTE-HARVEY ASSOCIATES | 13,031.65 |
42974 | 3/21/2017 | VISUAL COMPUTER SOLUTIONS, INC | 1,128.80 |
42975 | 3/21/2017 | THE DEWEESE LAW FIRM | 1,004.91 |
42976 | 3/21/2017 | WEST PAYMENT CENTER | 176.43 |
42977 | 3/21/2017 | WEST BAY CONSTRUCTION, INC. | 112,995.37 |
42978 | 3/21/2017 | WB MASON CO INC | 543.58 |
42979 | 3/21/2017 | W.W.H.S. AFTER PROM COMM. | 2,000.00 |
42980 | 3/21/2017 | WILDWOOD BUSINESS IMPR. DIST. | 500.00 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 363.00 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 16.02 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 59.94 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 535.35 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 768.93 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 14.96 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 465.42 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 46.13 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 120.30 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 308.00 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 11.00 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 24.54 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 203.62 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 125.00 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 1,426.73 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 180.00 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 367.56 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 144.00 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 119.50 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 202.95 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 247.25 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 660.32 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 340.83 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 1,630.10 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 285.48 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 200.00 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 285.51 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 35.36 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 417.00 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 122.62 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 67.72 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 305.41 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 755.00 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 20.00 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 165.00 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 100.00 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 75.00 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 972.50 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 218.00 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 359.01 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 230.00 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 80.00 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 525.49 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 122.46 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 399.95 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 64.05 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 130.00 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 313.95 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 9.85 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 4,501.18 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 120.00 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 38.23 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 254.97 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 80.42 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 185.47 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 1,360.44 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 702.00 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 21.42 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 901.16 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 25.00 |
42986 | 3/21/2017 | BANK OF AMERICA | 216.10 |
COUNCILMAN RULLO stated that his wife went into the water yesterday to rescue a dolphin that had come ashore. Rullo called for City officials to help, and thanked BP Chief Tony Cavalier, Recreation Assistant Ann Devlin, Fire Chief Dominick McClain and Firefighters Belles, Cole and Larcombe for their assistance in getting the dolphin back into deeper water.
COUNCILWOMAN BISHOP stated that the St. Patrick’s Day celebration in the Rec was a wonderful event. The nice weather brought a big crowd down for the weekend.
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Del Conte, that there being no further business before Council, we do now adjourn. Carried. 10:30 AM.
Patrick T. Rosenello, Mayor
W. Scott Jett, City Clerk
This is a generalization of the meeting of March 21, 2017 and not a verbatim transcript.