To the Editor:
I agree with U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew. “It’s a time of great concern.”
It’s clear that Van Drew marches to the drumbeat of his Republican Party.
Van Drew will not support anything proposed by our current president or the leader of the House in which he serves. Not even the infrastructure bill which, apparently, will bring much-needed improvements to our county and the rest of New Jersey.
President Biden has said that the money will come from taxing the wealthy, but Van Drew brings up the fear-mongering tax issue for the rest of us. No mention of the last tax bill that benefitted the wealthy and corporations, owned by the wealthy. Any benefit for the rest of us was minimal or nonexistent.
Of great concern is the proliferation of hate groups, encouraged and promoted by the former leader. Of great concern is almost half the country that refuses to be vaccinated against Covid because of misinformation and fear mongering by leaders who continue to appear on Fox Entertainment, because, surely, no news comes out of the mouths of those appearing. All opinion, conjecture, bias, and lies.
Hey, Jeff, why not visit CNN or MSNBC for a change?
Of great concern is the decimation of voting laws in numerous states run by the Republican Party.
Jeff, you said that you agree that voters should have IDs. Then you added that there was no reason to assume Black people wouldn’t have IDs. That clearly is a racist comment.
The sadness of Jeff Van Drew’s fall from grace in our county continues unabated simply because there are many who agree with him.
That alone, Representative Jeff Van Drew, is of great concern.