To the Editor:
As a resident of a wooded development in CMCH, it is not uncommon in spring and summer to be greeted by the sound of chainsaws as I step outside to enjoy my yard and gardens.
I realize that homeowners have valid reasons for taking down trees, but it is especially unsettling to hear during nesting season for birds.
With our busy schedules, I doubt many people realize that birds are busily building nests, laying eggs and rearing young in our yard’s bushes, treetops and tree cavities.
Cardinals, chickadees, blue jays, bluebirds, and robins are just a few of our favorite backyard birds making use of the beautiful trees we enjoy. I wonder how many nests with eggs and baby birds are unnecessarily destroyed by unwitting homeowners and tree removal companies.
I would suggest that we hold off on taking down trees during late April through the middle of August to give our feathered friends a chance to successfully raise their young.
I don’t think that is too much to ask considering how birds improve our quality of life with their beautiful colors and songs. Early spring and fall would be the ideal time to schedule tree trimming and removal.
So, the next time you plan to remove a tree, please just take a moment to consider the impact on wildlife and hold off until nesting season is over. Thank you.