Thursday, March 6, 2025


Thanks All Who Made Buddy Walk a Success

By Family

To The Editor:
The Raucci Family would like to thank everyone who contributed to the Douglas Raucci Forget-Me-Not Foundation and all who participated in the fourth annual “Do It For Doug” Buddy Walk on Sat., April 2. It was a huge success. A special thanks to those who helped to make it successful:
Debbie Hoelsworth, Brittany Toland, Danielle D’Amico, Carlie Senatore, Kirby Thornton, Mary Kate Schiff, Mary O’Donnell, George Palesano, Steve and Julie Spak, Bob Neri, Matthew Schiff, Tim, Tyler and Miriam, Patrice Malkowski, Cathy Toland, Roseann D’Amico, Mary Maloy, Elizabeth Skrabonja, Kelsey Bradley, Samantha McAleer, Bryan Toland.
Also, Tony Repholz, Joe Duncan, Sean Duncan, John Lynch, Crest Memorial School, Officer Webb, Officer Tomlin, Officer Mulholland and The Wildwood Crest Police Department, Frank Basile, Brian Cuniff and The Wildwood Crest Recreation Department, Leader Printers, Wildwood Leader and The Herald.
We are extremely grateful to the Wildwood Crest Volunteer Fire Company for allowing us to use the hall for the afternoon activities. A special thanks to Kathy Popper for a wonderful luncheon and those who helped, Billy Laffey, Ed Lopizzo, Alex Byron, Christianna Ziccardi, Nick Holland, Duncan Sulima, Karmen Ranalli, Tim Bennett, Deanie McNichols, Heather Stocker, Kathy Mahon, Diane Ranalli, Susan Haury, Karen Holland, Phyllis Bethel, Mary Beth Schiff & Peggy Ciglinsky.
Our local businesses continue to be generous and giving, thank you: Tony Lukes, McDonalds, Sams Pizza, Carini’s Italian Restaurant, The Bayview, Greens Liquors, Joe Canals, Lehigh Valley Diary Farms, Wildwood Linen, Chartwell, The Grand, South Station Market, Alfe’s Restaurant, Cabrera Realty.
Wildwood Crest

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