To the Editor:
State Sen. Michael Testa, through proposed legislation and public comments, would not mandate that our children be vaccinated for coronavirus or any other virus. There are even questions as to whether this state senator is supporting vaccination research for this new virus since he has promoted the idea that vaccination testing results from the use of aborted fetal tissue.
This country has enough problems stemming from fear over this virus and should not have to put up with public officials making wild claims against vaccinations.
Testa, in a very short period of time, has proven to be out of touch with reality.
The parents and grandparents of children who attend school in the 1st Legislative District need to tell this anti-vaccination state senator to keep his backward anti-science comments to himself.
Cape May – To the Cape May Spouter complaining that the Spouts are no longer "just Good Old Local Gossip, that's fun to read", let me remind them that Pope Francis said "Gossip is an evil…