To the Editor:
I would love to see an article about the problems people are facing trying to find rental properties. Including myself, I know of at least 15 people who cannot find a place to rent.
A Wildwood rooming house is charging $250 a week for a room with no bathroom and any apartments I call say they only do seasonal now. Even the offshore hotels won’t accept someone with cash because they make more if they get a person from Social Services on a voucher. So, where are we supposed to go?
I am a single, retired veteran and can’t afford $1,800 a month or more rent from any of these condos that will do yearly. Every time an apartment building is sold and replaced by condos, more people are displaced and fighting for survival. Someone from government needs to step in and regulate this mess and find us all somewhere to live.
So much for the American dream of having a home and a family unless you want to be in a roach-infested hotel paying $1,400 a month.
Villas – I really am wondering how the last 4 years impacted those who said it was so bad. My life , I have health insurance, did not change, my life did not change. Covid was the big thing that Biden was…