To the Editor:
I have enjoyed and learned from your articles on the effects of climate change on CMC and looking forward to future additions.
Climate has always changed since the beginning of time and always will. We cannot stop it! Yes, man has contributed but man has also found ways to mitigate the damages. We are on the track to develop more wind and solar and other forms of renewable energy, but we must not wreck our economy while other nations are not doing their part. It will come but it will take some time. Slow down.
We all know our major problem is the continued building on the barriers. The solution simply is a moratorium on all new buildings on the barrier islands and discontinue all FEMA subsidized insurance. Make homeowners responsible for their own decisions.
Long ago when my family had a cottage in Strathmere there was a moratorium on building because of the water supply. It lasted many years. It can be done.