To the Editor:
A recent Spout Off stated that “nine of the 10 poorest states in America consistently vote red/Republican” and these people are going to be hurt significantly if the ACA (Affordable Care Act) is dismantled. A broad statement but one that focuses on only one aspect and fails to mention that under this law millions of families can’t afford the premiums or the deductibles and insurers are abandoning the marketplace as the entire law implodes.
What wasn’t mentioned is what is happening in cities all across America. There was no information about the 10 poorest cities, or cities that have declared bankruptcy, or cities with the highest crime rates, or cities with the lowest academic proficiency, etc., or that these cities have had Democrats in charge for decades. It has been said, “all politics is local.”
Here are some of those cities and in parentheses the last time a Republican mayor was in charge. Detroit (1961). Milwaukee (1908). Philadelphia (1952). Newark (1907). Chicago (1931). Boston (1930). Baltimore (1959). Camden (1936). St. Louis (1949). El Paso, Texas (never).
The cities listed here are just a sampling of many with the same political history. Whether you are looking at crime rates per 100,000 residents, murder rates, poverty levels, unemployment rates, educational underachievement, bankruptcy filings, debt ratings, etc., most of these cities are now and have been run by Democrats.
According to the 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress report or local testing results, Camden’s proficiency level in math and language arts is 5.7 percent and 8.2 percent respectively. In a class of 50 students in Baltimore, six are proficient in math or language arts. In Philadelphia, seven of the 50 students are proficient in either area.
The solution from these mayors is always the same – “give us more money to fix the problem.” If it hasn’t worked in 50, 60 or even 100 years, why do they keep offering the same insanity? Could it be that they are not really concerned with solutions? Could it be they are just concerned with their own power and money?
In addition to the above, most of these cities are “sanctuary cities.” The costs incurred as a result rob funds from the treasury that could be used for the citizens of each of these cities. Spending on healthcare, education, policing, incarceration and social services all go towards draining the tax revenues that could be used for legal citizens. In addition, every job that is filled by an illegal immigrant is one less being worked by a citizen contributing tax dollars to the city.
The situation we see in these cities is the result of decades of “progressive” views. The “spinsters” can try to manipulate some number or present the ridiculous as if it has some bearing on what is taking place in Democratic-run cities but it doesn’t change a thing and if you want to see some “eye-popping” statistics, check out the mayors convicted of bribery, corruption, fraud and theft and their political affiliation which totally supports a previous contention about power and money. It is absolutely mind boggling.
Del Haven – To the Middle Twp. Police administrator who said he was on the outside looking in at the police dept.. You are correct. You have no idea what you are doing and how you make your officers feel. You…