To the Editor:
After reading “Lighthouse Friends End Litigation” by Rachel Rogish in the May 2 edition, I find it necessary once again, to state the complete facts in regards to Mayor Patrick Rosenello’ s statement about the loss of $17,000 in grant money.
When the Phase Four restoration work at Hereford Inlet Lighthouse was completed in the fall of 2011, representatives of the state Department of Transportation (NJDOT), that funded the work, visited the lighthouse for their final inspection. They were very pleased with everything and approved the work, letting us all believe the grant was closed out properly.
Almost five years later, with new staff in place at the Cherry Hill offices, someone in the NJDOT stumbled upon the fact that some required forms were not completed properly by our project architect, and the grant was in fact, not officially closed out. A $17,000 grant reimbursement was still owed the city but was hinged on a proper and timely closeout.
Our architect, now retired, worked many weeks with the help of Triad Associates to complete the required documents, but by the time they were finished, it was past due the deadline and the city did not receive the money.
ED. NOTE: Murray is the former chairman of the Friends of Hereford Inlet Lighthouse.
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