To the Editor:
Each year, as Memorial Day approaches and passes, I am moved by the lingering memory of those who sacrificed their all for us. Admittedly, this writing will be reminiscent of previous submissions I have made on this topic. I do this, quite simply, lest we forget.
I have, through the years, had many friends and relatives serve in our military in every conflict dating back to the American Civil War. Two brothers served in Vietnam and more recently, nephews in Iraq, Bosnia, and Afghanistan. One nephew, in the Army, was recently promoted to command sergeant major, the highest enlisted rank obtainable. My respect for all of them is unwavering!
In my lifetime, I have attended many funerals with “Full Military Honors.” A rifle salute, taps, folding of the flag and its presentation to the survivors always brings tears to my eyes. This is how every American veteran should be laid to rest. Sadly, the reality is that very few truly receive these honors. Far too many pass from this life all but forgotten, except by their immediate families.
I have stood among the gravestones at Arlington National Cemetery, gazing over them all aligned in formation. When one actually sees the enormity of this, it is staggering! When you realize that this is one of dozens of such cemeteries, it is beyond comprehension!
I am of the belief that the very words “homeless veteran” is and should be repugnant to anyone living under a roof in this nation. Those very words should be an abomination in any civilized society. Admittedly, there are some who choose to live this way, but they are a minute percentage of the number that exist in this country.
The greatest testament to the character of a nation is how they treat their veterans. Sadly, America is sorely wanting of character in this regard!
Homelessness should not exist in a nation such as ours. Having “homeless veterans” is without excuse!
Each year, America sends tens of billions of dollars to other countries in foreign aid, while many of its own go homeless and hungry. There is no excuse for this! We should take care of our own first!
America’s foreign policy should read as follows: When no American citizen or veteran is homeless or hungry or in need of medical care, then we will think about helping other counties!
Memorial Day was intended to be a time when we bend our knees and bow our heads in solemn remembrance of those who died so that we and others may be free. A time when we pay tribute for their sacrifice on our behalf. It was never intended for 10% off auto sales and three-day parties down the shore. These Memorial Day things are an insult to the sanctity of the day!
Last year, a very close friend of ours, living in Florida, decided to forgo the usual BBQ and family gatherings. Instead, she took her children to a nearby military base to take part in the observances there. She wanted her children to understand what Memorial Day was really all about. I have to commend her for that!
Now, Memorial Day 2023 has passed. How did you remember our fallen? I pray we all gave them the honor and respect they deserve. For the veterans still with us, Veterans Day is coming up. Let’s give them the honor and respect they have earned and deserve. Lest we forget.
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