To the Editor:
State Sen. Jeff Van drew has courageously proposed legislation which would allow New Jersey residents, subject to a tough background check, the right to carry concealed weapons. New Jersey would join 40 other states that allow its citizens to exercise this right to bear arms.
This is clearly an emotional subject, and I know that many are aghast at this proposal fearing an increase in violence. However, it has been statistically proven that in every state, which has enacted right-to-carry laws, violent crime has actually decreased. There is also little danger that there would be an increase in illegal weapons since, under the Brady Bill every weapon purchased is subject to reporting and registration.
As a Florida resident who possesses a concealed weapons permit, I realize (and have been trained) that this right carries with it an enormous responsibility. While hoping that I never have to use it, I also realize that it helps put me on an even footing with criminals who callously disregard the law. Now in New Jersey it seems that only the bad guys have guns.
This would at least even the playing field.
I hope our legislators see through the emotion and pass this legislation. Only the criminals need fear it.
Wildwood – So Liberals here on spout off, here's a REAL question for you.
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