To The Editor:
A comment about America’s corporate crooks of the Bernie Madoff genre, he was sentenced to 150 years in some “country club”-type federal slammer, yeah right.
Some slick “sharks” will no doubt get him out in five years. Lady Justice is blindfolded because she does not want to see the dirty deeds done by corporate America.
Every courthouse in America should have a pillory on its front lawn. One size fits all corporate crooks. One week in the pillory should suffice.
A farmer who’s about to lose his farm due to corporate greed could donate some rotten eggs to a homeless guy who could sell them to passers-by for five bucks an egg. I am sure they’d know what to do with them.
Green Creek
Cape May – Governor Murphy says he doesn't know anything about the drones and doesn't know what they are doing but he does know that they are not dangerous. Does anyone feel better now?