Thursday, March 6, 2025


Camera Returned; Faith Restored

By Wood

To the Editor:
Well my Fourth of July weekend started off badly. I lost my camera somewhere between the car and my beach blanket on the 12th Street beach.
It is a joke in my family and among my friends that I am never without my camera. It is just always a part of me. So I was devastated when I went to get it moments after arriving at the beach and discovered it gone. Of course I retraced my steps and went to the life guards and the police.
I kept saying over and over that there are still a lot of good people in this world and it could turn up. Luckily I had an address sticker on it and it was in a Ziploc® bag so the sand and water wouldn’t have destroyed it if it were laying on the beach for a bit.
My heartfelt thanks goes to the nice gentleman who returned it to my deck. I wish I could thank him in person. There were precious pictures of my grandsons all together on the beach that I could not replace. Thanks so much and I know that good things will happen to him.
North Wildwood

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