To the Editor:
In recent years, much has been said and written about the need to extend and strengthen our nation’s gun-control regulations. Some are even calling for repealing the Second Amendment.
In light of the horrible, growing trend of mass shootings, this movement has reached fever pitch. So what do we do? Obviously, something needs to be done, but what and how?
As is human nature, our first response is generally, “If you can’t control it, ban it entirely.” Sounds reasonable to me, however, history has proven this does not work!
Let us consider our nation’s prohibition of alcohol. That was a poster boy for the American dream! Two-bit street thugs with a third-grade education were catapulted into billionaires almost overnight by selling what? Alcohol? No, that was banned in the U.S., so it obviously couldn’t have been because they were selling alcohol to millions of people that didn’t obey the law.
The booze was poured into the streets, remember? Along with the blood of anyone who stood in the way of achieving their rags-to-riches American dream, so it is safe to assume then that repealing the Second Amendment will ensure forever more that murder, mass killings, and other such depraved acts will become extinct and relegated to the history books.
Let’s look at another successful attempt at banning. The most famous shootout in American history: the gunfight at the OK Corral.
Well, that left three men dead and three wounded when law officers attempted to disarm four men who were carrying guns within city limits, which had been banned. Another smashing success story.
Now to the Constitution: this is the foundation upon which every aspect of our nation is built. It is the blood that flows through our nation’s veins. Our forefathers wrote it for a reason and it means what it says.
First, that we “were endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights.” That means God-given and can’t be taken away! Not allowed by government and removable on demand.
The Bill of Rights, which contains the Second Amendment, is not a list of privileges bestowed upon us by our leaders. It is, in fact, a list of things which limit or prohibit what government can do with or to the citizenry.
The truth is, according to the Constitution, the government, U.S., or otherwise, does not have the power or right to disarm the citizenry. Just as with free speech, freedom of faith, free press, and so on.
The government does not have the right or authority to regulate it! This is the very reason the Second Amendment was written, to protect and ensure that government does not overstep its boundaries.
The “father or our country,” George Washington stated in his writings that the people need to be armed, so that if the government became a tyranny, the people could, by force if necessary, remove the government. Yep, that’s right folks. The founding fathers put it there so we would have the right and means to overthrow our leaders, if necessary.
Now, understand, I am not advocating that, however, that is the real reason the Second Amendment is there.
Now, I will be the first to admit that I don’t have an answer to the problem of murder, mass killing, and such, but gun control will never solve the problem. Like alcohol and prohibition, if someone wants it, it will always be available for a price.
Laws are only for law-abiding people. Like they used to say, “If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have them.”
Ban the guns. Problem solved. Guess again, friend.
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