This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Are you wide awake to what is currently staring you in the face?
This has been a season of fear and frustration because what we once counted so heavily upon has been turned upside down before our eyes. Who could have predicted how out of our control 2020 has become? It is hard to prepare for a tomorrow when maybe we should be seizing the 24 hours we are currently living in.
Everyone needs to vent occasionally, but nobody can muster a life out of a whiny spirit. Most of us magnify what is missing amid our current stock, rather than accentuating all that falls in the plus category. When was the last time you woke up grateful to simply be alive another day?
No doubt we all have our share of disappointments, but God has a keen and creative way of turning these bumps along our pathway into His appointments, where He does something miraculous amidst the mess. Too many Christians have turned the divinely anointed God spots into blind spots. This occurs when we end up looking for the Lord in the wrong places.
We need to stop waiting for the pandemic to pass before we reenter the land of the living. What if life in our present package never returns to what we used to call, “normal?” What if God is showing us that His church can be just as alive outside of the building as it is inside the hallowed halls?
What if we stepped into our world with widely open eyes, passionately pursuing heavenly ordained projects that God is providing in our current neighborhood? Stop majoring on the minors, and start counting all the blessings that Jesus is still pouring out our way every day.
We know that the Bible paints a vivid and detailed picture of how life and faith will exist in the last days. Technically, we are told that everything will get worse before it gets better. Life will become darker, and if there is going to be any light provided, it must be fueled by the faith of God’s followers still burning bright in the middle of the night.
God has already assured us that those who have been filled from the inside out with His Holy Spirit are overcomers. Even if we lose our physical life, nothing and nobody can rob us of the eternal life that God has promised us spiritually speaking. Outwardly, we are passing away, but inwardly, we are being renewed every single day.
When God is on the move, we either get on board or get passed by. Jesus purchased my seat by His saving blood on the Gospel Train. My seat is reserved, and my future is set upon the rock of my Heavenly Father’s promise. The last I checked, the Lord is better at following through on spoken pledges than any politician will ever be.
If the nightmare is not yet, why are we not making the most of the beautiful day we discover ourselves in currently?
Breathe in the fresh air attempting to find its way into your lungs. God has a plan and purpose for each step, and if we weren’t a part of what He is doing in our world today, we’d already be in heaven.
Too many of us are so worried about the freedom that we may lose tomorrow that we don’t use the wide-open doors available to us today. Don’t waste the daylight hours of now. Don’t waste a day to be a blessing.
No place on this planet has been more hostile to God’s work than, what I call, the “Procrasta-nation.” “I’ll do that someday” is the mantra of its people. Don’t allow the “Procrasta-nation” to steal the joy of your salvation.
In the letter to the Hebrews, in Chapter 3, Verse 7, it reads: “Today, if you hear God’s voice, do not harden your heart.” How does God want you to walk actively after Him so you can be a real blessing this week?
Who can you touch to be a blessing? What can you do to be a blessing? Where can you go to be a blessing? When will you practically be a blessing?
Why do we need to concern ourselves with this? Because Jesus told us to. What will you do with your day?
The great evangelist D.L. Moody held his usual service the Sunday evening that the Great Chicago Fire broke out. At the service’s closing, he asked his congregation to evaluate their relationship with Christ and to return the following week to make a decision. This, he thought, would give them time to think everything over, and could result in a lasting decision.
He wanted to make sure that they were sure about accepting Jesus Christ, not wanting to pressure them into making a choice for which they couldn’t commit. Sounds reasonable, doesn’t it?
While Ira Sankey was singing the closing hymn, it was drowned out by the sound of fire trucks and church bells. To his dying day, Moody regretted delaying their decision to the following Sunday. It would be a Sunday that many in that meeting hall would not live to see.
Within several hours, many of those who sat under Moody’s words were dead. There is no way of knowing how many that night could have gotten their hearts made right with God had an altar call been given, and there is no way of knowing how many that sat under Moody’s voice that night died in the fire and were not ready to meet God.
Mr. Moody would never be the same after that incident. He became ill because of the guilt he carried. As a dedicated soul winner, D.L. Moody took such missed opportunities seriously.
“I have never since dared to give an audience a week to think of their salvation,” Moody said later. “If they were lost, they might rise up in judgment against me. I have never seen that congregation since.
“I will never meet those people until I meet them in another world, but I want to tell you of one lesson that I learned that night, which I have never forgotten, and that is when I preach to press Christ upon the people then and there and try to bring them to a decision on the spot. I would rather have my right hand cut off than to give an audience a week now to decide what to do with Jesus.”
Stop living in the past, yearning for the good old days that were never that great anyway. Stop fretting over a tomorrow that hasn’t happened yet.
God is asking you, “What will you do with today?” Will you waste it? Will you spend it foolishly? Will you invest it into eternity?
Today is the day for God’s children to start living like we believe what our Heavenly Father has promised us! Will you?
ED. NOTE: The author is the senior pastor of The Lighthouse Church, 1248 Route 9 South, Court House.
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