Albert Mohler offers a daily podcast entitled “The Briefing,” which my wife and I listen to every chance we have. Recently, Mohler reported on a heartbreaking article in the New York Times about a couple who had aborted their child due to the child’s health issues.
The mother, Lindsay Werking-Yip, wrote the article herself, saying, “I am a baby killer” but “I am not a monster.” She wrote it to explain her decision, given the likelihood of abnormalities which would impair their daughter’s quality of life. “My husband and I chose to end our child’s life. Many imagine this is an impossible decision to make. One that would take hours of deliberation. I’ll be honest with you, you may not want to hear this, but the decision was obvious to us. Our child would not be given a life of pain and suffering. Instead we would take her pain on as our own…I regret that we had to make the choice. I regret that she was so sick, so broken, but I do not regret the decision we made. Within fifteen minutes of the diagnosis, we knew what we had to do. We would become baby killers.
“I pray you never have to face a decision like the one I faced. You might swear up and down that you could never make the choice I did, but you never know for sure until the time comes. I know I made the best choice for my child. I do not regret it and I will not hide it.”
Those who deny human dignity anywhere will eventually deny human dignity everywhere.
Mohler views the mother as writing with amazing candor, and that this decision would be right to millions of people. She is asking the right questions: When is life worth living? When is it no longer worth living?
Mohler continues, “What is missing from the worldview behind this article is any understanding of the fact that there is a Creator God who is the Author of life, and He and He alone has the right to determine when life is worth living and under what circumstances.”
In response to the Times article, a woman wrote from San Francisco, “I too had to make a heartbreaking choice ten years ago though my case was not as clear cut as your own. Our daughter had triple X syndrome, a genetic disorder and possibly something irregular with her abdomen. The agony of our decision, my decision was unbearable and still brings me to tears.” She adds, “I definitely killed my baby. It was the saddest, most horrific act I’ve ever done. I hope I am never faced with such a choice again, but it was my choice and it was the choice for our family at that time.”
A woman from Raleigh, North Carolina responded to the Times article, saying, “Picture someone murdering a five-year-old girl because they believed she was too sick, too disabled, too abnormal; society would be horrified. Strangely,” she writes, “it’s different for a child in a womb…Every child deserves a chance to live life as much as possible to stay strong against suffering, to hope for cures to rare disorders, to spend time with loved ones, to be themselves, to be human. Your daughter would have been a gift to this world, an inspiration to others, unique, beautiful. Don’t diminish this precious creation of God by arguing that she doesn’t deserve to be here.”
Mohler’s summary assessment is, “A threat to life inside the womb will not stay a threat to life inside the womb. Those who deny human dignity anywhere will eventually deny human dignity everywhere.”
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