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Saturday, September 7, 2024


Sea Isle 4.5.2006

By Rick Racela

A Meet the Candidates Forum for the Sea Isle City Board of Education will be held on Saturday at 1p.m. at the Community Lodge, Park Road and Kennedy Boule-vard.
 Moderating the program will be Dr. Thomas Henry, president of the Sea Isle City Taxpayer Association (SICTA), sponsor of the forum.
There are four seats available and five candidates. Running for three years terms are Maria Vitiello-Crudele, vice president of the school’s PTA association, William Kennedy, chief of police for the city; Mi-chael McHale, retired teacher and former mayor; and Thomas Szczurek, a college professor of accounting.
Running for a one year term is Madelyn DiGenni, a retired teacher.
Dr. Henry will introduce the candidate and give a brief description of their backgrounds.
Each candidate will be given three minutes to state their position. After that, written questions from the audience will be directed to the candidates for response.
School board elections and vot-ing on school district budgets will take place at the regular polling sites throughout the county on April 18, from 4-9 p.m.
The school budget for Sea Isle City is accessible on SICTA’s web site.
At a recent com-missioners’ meeting, Detective Jon Gansert demonstrated the new night vision monocular equip-ment that the depart-ment received un-der a grant. He estimated that the equipment cost $3,500.
Under the grant, Gansert was sent to the ITT Technical Institute, Albuquerque, N.M., along with 500 other officers from around the country, to receive training in the use of the equipment.
The night vision equipment is similar to those used by soldiers in Iraq.
The equipment will increase the peripheral vision of the user by 60 percent and the capabilities to make out target in the complete darkness.
As part of the city’s plan to improve the health of its employees and cut down on sick leave, a lunchtime walk has been organized.
A group of of-fice personnel in city hall are voluntarily taking half their lunch time to walk three days a week, de-pending on the weather.
Meeting outside of city hall for their lunchtime walk are Carmela Desiderio, Eva Feeley, Terry Tighe, Paula Doll, Vicki Pittaluga, Patiann Ponichtera, and Sharon Holt.
There was a sea of green at the Deauville Inn dur-ing the annual AARP St. Patrick’s Day luncheon.
There were 95 in attendance, making the job of selecting the winners of Wearin’ of the Green Contest rather difficult for judges Eleanor and Jack Moore, who are treasurer and vice president respectively of the AARP Chapter.
Winners are: Richard Murray, Greenest Man; Terry and Dave Barry, Greenest Couple; Bill Quinn, Most Irish Man; Emma McKever, Most Irish Women; and Dottie Fean, Greenest Woman.
The winners re-ceived cash awards for showing their Irish spirit.
Hundreds of children from tod-dlers to age 11 will be hopping mad if they don’t find any colored plastic eggs dur-ing Sea Isle City’s Annual Easter Candy Race, sponsored by the Recreation Depart-ment.
Candy will cover the field, so most of the children will find a treat. However, the real hunt is on for the plastic eggs because finders get special prizes.
The Easter Candy Race will be held at Dealy Field, 60th and Central Avenue today at 4p.m. For more information call 263-0050
The Sea Isle Garden Club meet-ing will be held on Tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in the Community Lodge, JFK Boulevard and Park Road. 
The program “The Braiding of Palms” will be presented by Donna Hadfield. Order forms for the May 20 flower sale will be available at the meeting.
New members and visitors are al-ways welcome to attend.
St Joseph’s an-nounces their sec-ond  annual Easter Egg Hunt, Satur-day, 1p.m. for 4 years and under, 1:15 p.m. for 5 years  and up.
The Easter egg hunt will be held on the lawn next to the rectory. Bring your own basket.
In case of bad weather the hunt will take place in the Church base-ment.
The Knights of Columbus, Madonna Council No. 3560 announces the fol-lowing events they will be sponsor-ing:
April 13, a Holy Thursday Vigil Hour at Saint Jo-seph Church, from 10-11p.m. All pa-rishioners are invited to attend.
 April 26, a Red Cross Blood Drive from 1-7 p.m. in the auditorium of the former St. Joseph School, 45th and Central Avenue. All pa-rishioners, resi-dents, and inter-ested adults of near-by communi-ties are urged to participate.
On April 30, the annual Saint Jo-seph Breakfast at the Sea Isle City Community Center, Park Road and Ken-nedy Boulevard, after the 9a.m. mass at St. Joseph Church. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for chil-dren under 12.
The breakfast is being catered by Mrs. Brizzle’s Buns. Grand Knight John Fee urges everyone to get tickets early and the breakfast is usually sold out.
For tickets call Mike Cardinale 263-2773, Joe Koch 263-8737, or Joe Lamb 263-6885
The Friends of Tourism, in coop-eration with the Sea Isle City Tourism Commission and Chamber of Commerce, are co-sponsoring A Night at the Races on April 28, from 7-11p.m. at the Yacht Club, 44th and Venicean Road.
Tickets are $15 per person and include a light supper. A cash bar will be available.
Money will be converted to play money for the horse races. Prizes will in-clude gift cer-tificates and other special prizes by area businesses.
80 percent of the proceeds will go to sponsor free family activities during the summer, including the Fam-ily Fun and Flick Night, to be held on Tuesdays at the downtown open space lot, Kennedy Boulevard and Pleasure Avenue.
Tickets for “A Night at the Races” will be available from members of the Tourism Commission and Chamber of Commerce board of directors.
Only 150 tickets will be sold be-cause of space limitations at the Yacht Club. For more information, or to order tick-ets, call 263-8687, Ext.10
Casino Trip to the Tropicana on May 2, to see “The Best of Broadway” hosted by the Ma-ture Adults Club of the Church of the Resurrection in Marmora.
The package in-cludes the show and $10 cash back. This is a $30 value for the cost of $20. The bus leaves the church parking lot at 11a.m. and returns about 6p.m. Con-tact Joe for more information at 624-1110
The Townsend’s Inlet Civic Center Memorial Day In-door Flea Market, Food Court & Auc-tion will be held May 27 at the Cen-ter located at 138  85th Street. 
Table space is now available at $20 a table.  Re-serve your table space now.  Appli-cations are being accepted on a first come first serve basis. 
All proceeds benefit the Town-send’s Inlet Civic Center Restoration Fund.  For reser-vations and appli-cations contact Louise Clemente at 263-3002.
Deadline for the column is Wednes-day at 5 p.m. for the following Wednesday’s printed column. Email any events or news to or fax at (609) 465-6159

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