CAPE MAY – Patricia “Tricia” Hendricks, a Cape May resident for over 35 years, announces her bid for City Council in the City of Cape May. Mrs. Hendricks submitted petitions to Deputy City Clerk Emily Dillon on September 6th.
Mrs. Hendricks has served the community of Cape May for many years, including roles as Deputy Mayor, Council member and on city Advisory Committees. She has served on city groups including Planning Board, Environmental Commission, Franklin Street School Task Force, Hazard Mitigation Task Force and Coastal Coalition Stakeholder. As a member of Kiwanis Club, she continues to participate as a community volunteer.
Many of the projects on the city’s horizon are complex—such as the sea wall improvements, promenade extension, desalination plant, infrastructure road projects, a new police station, Lafayette Park completion, and the Coast Guard Base improvements and expansion, to name a few. Patricia’s experience setting goals, solving problems, and fostering productive relationships with surrounding communities, provides the leadership needed by Cape May.
Mrs. Hendricks will bring her City Council experience, research ability and financial background to these complex projects that require guidance, close inspection and evaluation to determine potential impact on services and city tax dollars.
Cape May – To the Cape May Spouter complaining that the Spouts are no longer "just Good Old Local Gossip, that's fun to read", let me remind them that Pope Francis said "Gossip is an evil…