WOODBINE – Mayor William Pikolycky announced that the Borough of Woodbine will open bids at 11 a.m. April 21 for the reconstruction of Woodbine Municipal Airport Taxiway B – West End.
According to a release, Taxiway B has not been rehabilitated since the 1980s, and the pavement has exceeded its life expectancy.
Due to the condition of this existing taxiway, where severe major cracks have been observed, a full mill and overlay of the pavement will be designed. The project proposes to rehabilitate approximately 3,100 by 35 feet of Taxiway B, which is parallel to Runway 13-31. The project will include taxiway markings, minor and major crack repairs, and repair solutions for asphalt heaving repairs.
The taxiway edge lighting will not be a part of this project; however, it will be designed at a later phase and is a part of the Taxiway B Rehabilitation Project Plan.
“This is Phase 3 of a multi-phase project,” stated Pikolycky “Funding is being provided by both the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and New Jersey Department of Transportation’s (NJDOT) Division of Aeronautics. Information concerning this project is available through the Borough Clerk’s Office.”