WOODBINE – The New Jersey Department of Transportation has awarded the Borough of Woodbine $230,000 through its Local Aid Infrastructure Fund for drainage work on Heilprin Avenue.
Heilprin Avenue is in need of improvements including the installation of drainage facilities. The road is a primary access for the properties along said roadway, including the Woodbine Development Center, and interconnects the downtown residential area with Sumner Avenue providing an alternative bypass route to and from the downtown area. It is the only access for services to these properties including mail delivery, trash pickup, recyclable pickup and emergency vehicles.
In addition the Borough has been experiencing major drainage problems at the Webster Avenue intersection as well as the mid-block area of Heilprin Avenue between Webster Avenue and Clay Street. These areas historically flood during storm events, with flood waters regularly covering the entire width of the road.
The existing drainage facilities on Heilprin consist of French drains that have long ago failed to function adequately and should be interconnected with a positive outfall system.
In this regard, the County of Cape May will be addressing similar drainage issues along Webster Avenue as part of an upcoming County road reconstruction project. Both the Borough and County projects will be coordinated to avoid opening the County Road after it is repaved.
“We are grateful to the Christie Administration and New Jersey DOT for recognizing the crucial importance of this project especially given its interconnection with the related County project and the need to time-coordinate those efforts,”added Mayor Pikolycky. “I also thank the First Legislative District for their continuing support of such projects within our Borough.”
Cape May County – Cape May County Freeholders….you will not stop us drone flyers! Some of us could be people who visit your towns and keep your revenue afloat! You wouldn't survive if it wasn't for us…