WOODBINE – The Borough of Woodbine will go out to bid on its Heilprin Avenue reconstruction project. Bids will be opened Sept. 10 at 10 a.m. at the Woodbine Municipal Building.
Woodbine received a grant of $230,000 for this project from the New Jersey Department of Transportation Local Aid Infrastructure Fund for this work.
Heilprin Avenue, especially the intersection of Clay & Heilprin, is in need of drainage improvements. Heilprin is a primary access for the properties along said roadway, including the Woodbine Development Center, and interconnects the downtown residential area with Sumner Avenue providing an alternative bypass route to and from the downtown area.
In addition the Borough has been experiencing major drainage problems at the Webster Avenue intersection as well as the mid-block area of Heilprin Avenue between Webster Avenue and Clay Street. These areas historically flood during storm events, with flood waters regularly covering the entire width of the road.
In this regard, the County of Cape May will be addressing similar drainage issues along Webster Avenue as part of an upcoming County road reconstruction project. Both the Borough and County projects will be coordinated to avoid opening the County Road after it is repaved.
“As the previous bids were all over budget, we are rebidding this project with some minor modifications,” added Mayor Pikolycky.
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