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WILDWOOD – Throughout the novel coronavirus pandemic, the public has been repeatedly given one piece of advice from medical professionals: Stay away from other people.
According to a release, while social distancing may help stop the spread of COVID-19, it leaves many of the most vulnerable residents – the elderly and disabled – without the normal interactions from friends and loved ones that would typically ensure their health and well-being.
Because of this, the Wildwood Police Department reminds Wildwood residents of the LifeLink program, which uses a daily call from the participant to confirm they are well each morning. This short call can even identify concerns before they escalate into more serious matters.
Participants provide the Wildwood Police Department with a time they would like to call each day – preferably when they wake in the morning. Should communications officers not hear from the participant within a reasonable period from the time selected, they place a call to the participant to ensure their well-being.
Should they be unable to reach the participant by phone, a police officer is dispatched to the residence to make contact in person.
In addition to the desired call time, those wishing to sign up for this free service can also provide the name and phone number of an emergency contact person, the contact information of someone local who possesses a key to their residence, the name of their attending doctor, any medications they are prescribed, and any allergies to medications they might have.
This information could prove invaluable should it be needed in times of a medical emergency.
To sign up for this free service, contact the Wildwood Police Department at (609) 522-0222. Communications Officers will walk residents through the application over the phone and your enrollment in the LifeLink program will begin immediately.
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