STONE HARBOR – Just a few months ago, Stone Harbor began a major effort to regain its level 5 Community Rating System (CRS) status, which entitles property owners to a 25% discount on National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) premiums.
The borough’s status dropped to a level 7 community when points gained following Superstorm Sandy in 2012 expired.
Attempting to gain back two levels in a single Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) review round is a significant challenge. The borough has responded with a new flood prevention ordinance which, along with other actions, they hope will gain enough points to replace those that expired in April.
Borough CRS Coordinator Raymond Poudrier said a community assist visit from a subcontractor hired by FEMA is scheduled for July 19.
Poudrier added that he was confident that the borough would regain enough points to move from a level 7 to a level 6 and that he was optimistic that regaining the level 5 status was possible.
If accomplished, it will represent a major achievement for the borough.