WASHINGTON – On April 2, on United Nations World Autism Awareness Day, U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) voiced his continuing support for families affected by autism spectrum disorders and efforts to find a cause and cure for them.
In a release, he also announced his intention to introduce legislation to support these families and individuals.
Menendez, whose home state has the highest rate of autism in the nation, said he plans to formally introduce the legislation later this month, which is Autism Awareness Month.
“On this day, we certainly should all help to spread autism awareness, but families affected by autism spectrum disorders need our support each and every day. From identifying the first signs of symptoms, to receiving treatment, to getting into supportive housing, we need to be there for these families. We need to offer help as they overcome their fears and gain understanding, direction and determination. I have heard from many New Jersey families about the constant struggles they face after diagnosis, and I am committed to helping them through this process. At the same time, we must commit ourselves to finding a cause and a cure for autism.
“Later this month, which is Autism Awareness Month, I will be introducing a package of legislation intended to give support to families and individuals affected by autism spectrum disorders. Nobody knows more about coping with autism than parents in New Jersey, where one in 94 children is diagnosed with the disorder. They need to know that they are not alone. They need to know that their government will be there to give them support when they need a helping hand.”
Menendez said that the legislation he plans to introduce will include measures to help access treatment and support systems, ensure housing for adults with autism spectrum disorders and increase awareness of autism.
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