OCEAN CITY — Ocean City Mayor Sal Perillo was the guest speaker at the Ocean City Regional Chamber of Commerce Breakfast on today at the Flander’s Hotel. The mayor addressed the business community on the State of the City.
The following release is from the chamber of commerce:
The City of Ocean City continues to meet the challenges of tourism based local economy with the needs of a year round community. The city government works in partnership with community organizations, business groups, the local public school system and other levels of government to balance priorities, provide resources and make sound policy decisions for the community.
Perillo began by pointing out that “Ocean City is a great place to live, visit and invest in. My mission and the mission of the terrific people who serve the citizens of our city was to make Ocean City an even better place to live, visit and invest in. With everyone’s help, especially the help of the city’s management team and employees, we are advancing these objectives.”
Faced with reduced revenues, the Perillo Administration has aggressively pursued grant funds and has been awarded a total of $6.2 Million which includes: Beach Replenishment, Clean Communities, I Boat Grant for Tennessee Avenue, Cool Cities Grant, NJBPU grant for biodiesel fuel, Cape May County Park improvements grants, Community Development Block Grants, NJDCA Shared Services Grant, FAA Grant for a storage building at the airport, NJDOT towards repaving Ocean Avenue and the NJDCA Smart Planning Grant for Downtown.
It does not stop there. Applications are being considered for another $1.8 million from the State Council on Physical Fitness, NJDCA for architectural design of an expanded Community Center, and the State for Solar Energy Projects for City Buildings.
Perillo stated, “The city is constantly looking for ways to raise revenues and cut costs. This Administration is looking very hard at every major program for ways to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
In the past year, all the city’s Health Benefit Programs have been evaluated, a new insurance broker has been selected and new prescription and dental programs will save the City in excess of $100,000 annually.
The Perillo Administration completed an independent assessment of the Fire Department and hired the first female firefighter in the history of Ocean City.
Sharing services with nearby towns and agencies has been a theme of the Perillo Administration, an effort that is being touted by Gov. Corzine as a way to cut costs. This year Ocean City entered into agreements with Upper Township and Strathmere to establish joint services between Upper Township for fire and rescue services.
The Atlantic County Improvement Authority was hired to manage the city’s housing rehabilitation program, saving the City $50,000 annually. A $50,000 State grant is being used to study ways that Ocean City, Dennis Township, Upper Township, Avalon and Sea Isle City can work together to reduce trash and recycling collection costs.
Mayor Perillo created a new Department of Planning and Engineering to address the planning and capital of the City. A new Division of Buildings and Grounds now oversees the city’s Beautification efforts. Full time staffing levels were cut by nine positions to the lowest staffing level in the 15 years.
The management system in the city has been changed to provide for more accountability. A performance based evaluation process has been established. Each management employee has prepared written goals. Time clocks are being installed in all city buildings. The administration has instituted a system to track the metrics of all city services to compare revenues to past years on a monthly basis.
The city, with the support of the Tourism Commission, the Library and the Chamber of Commerce, offered customer service training for all employees, kicked off by an inspirational speech by Ocean City’s own Pat Croce.
Ocean City has gained national media attention for the city’s efforts to enhance environmental stewardship by proposing the first city-wide wireless system in New Jersey and by instituting a comprehensive tourism program.
The Tourist Development Commission partnered with the Board of Realtors, the Library, and the Downtown Merchants to expand its marketing campaign. After listening to all the business organizations in the City, the Commission will launch a “Second Season” campaign later this month to promote shopping, dining and events in Ocean City from Labor Day to First Night.
Perillo has lead the establishment of a Vision Plan for the Ninth Street corridor, the enhancement of five parks and playgrounds in the next year and has developed a prototype development of boardwalk street ends at Moorlyn Terrace.
This administration, under the guidance of the Mayor, has been at the forefront of environmental issues. The city has purchased fuel efficient, low emissions hybrid vehicles that cut carbon dioxide emissions by almost 10,000 pounds a year, the equivalent of taking one passenger car off the road. The city will soon switch its entire diesel fleet to biodiesel fuel. The city is committed to using Energy Star Appliances and compact fluorecesent light bulbs.
This year, Perillo signed the U.S. Mayors’ Climate Change Protection Agreement and Sierra Club Cool Cities program. He is investing in green building technology for parks and solar panels will soon be installed on five city buildings. The Mayor initiated major education awareness on the environment by establishing the first Environmental Commission in Ocean City, hosted the first Earth Day Celebration, and supports the expansion of the bike paths, nature trails and bike lanes throughout the city.
The mayor and city council purchased Forest Stewardship Council Certified ipe hardwood for the boardwalk with the support of many environmental groups throughout the world.
Technology advancements have also formed a theme of the Perillo Administration. An e-alert system was established to inform the public of city events. Mayor Perillo launched a new web site in February that is interactive and sells beach tags, music pier concert tickets, and provides forms for many city programs and permits with over one million hits a month. The Aquatic and Fitness Center has computerized all memberships and dues. An attendance system has been installed in City Hall and is being expanded throughout the city.
Under Mayor Perillo’s Administration, the Capital projects in the city have moved forward with the completion of the improvements made to the foyer of City Hall and Council Chambers. Over 100 new parking spaces were provided with the demolition of three buildings. The city completed a $2.5 million dollar upgrade of the downtown including new decorative lighting and crosswalks. A recently announced expansion of the Community Center to include more library space and a new senior center will move forward in the next few months, further enhancing the quality of life in Ocean City.
The city has installed new siding, roof, floor and central air conditioning to the Civic Center. A new hockey rink with lighting was completed at the 52nd Street Playground and the shuffleboard court pavilion had a roof installed.
Traffic signals were installed at 5th and Atlantic Avenue for high school safety. Under this administration, the city reconstructed and elevated roadways on Anchorage, Bay and 52nd and 55th streets. Throughout the Riviera Section of the city, bulkheads were replaced along Spruce Road, and Verde and Pitcairn Harbor. The boat ramp at Tennessee Avenue was reconstructed. Construction of the beach ramps at 40th, 46th, 54th streets and a bridge over the golf course pond was completed.
The city’s government remains strong and Perillo is committed to an efficient and responsible government, city-wide beatification, a clean and safe community, a variety of recreational, cultural and environmental programs, a high quality public school system and a variety of activities and public facilities for all ages to enjoy.
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