WHITESBORO — Officials broke ground April 30 on a project that will bring sewer hookups to 157 homes, 138 mobile homes and nine businesses in this community as well as provide 37 construction jobs during these difficult economic times.
Middle Township Mayor F. Nathan Doughty, Committeeman Steve Barry, federal government officials and community leaders gathered at a site on Wildwood Avenue to recognize the start of the Witesboro/Edgewood Sanitary Sewer System project that’s been six years in the making.
“The project is being funded by a 2003 loan from the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) of $3.039 million and a grant of $1.316 million,” Doughty said. “This project is a great one for Middle Township.”
When contractor Perna Finnegan is through constructing this Phase I of the project, which includes a pump station and force main to Rio Grande, structures in the area 1,000 feet east of Route 9 from Lena Street south to A&J Mobile Home Park and West of Route 9 to the Railroad tracks from Main Street to King Street will be able to connect to sewer service.
Phase II of the project will be done by contractor F.W. Shawl & Sons. That portion is also funded through USDA loans and grants totaling $2.3 million and will serve 143 homes west of the railroad tracks on streets from Dunbar to King streets.
The system is expected to be operational in about a year, said township Sewer Department Director Kathy Meers.
Township Grants Coordinator Jill Zarharchuck said there is $252,000 available from the state Department of Community Affairs to assist qualified local residents in hooking up to the sewer system. Residents will be able to apply for these funds beginning in the fall.
USDA representative Ken Drewes said this project is a great example of his agency’s programs to encourage development in rural areas.
“Not only will it serve the existing members of this community, it will also aid in the future development of the area,” Drewes said.
Contact Hart at (609) 886-8600 Ext 35 or at: jhart@cmcherald.com
Stone Harbor – Come on CNN, FOX shows democrat AND republican news! Get with it or you are going to lose again. DeSantis was just now and you CNN did not show it. How are people going to get fair and balanced news…