CAPE MAY — City Councilman David Kurkowski announced Tuesday Jan. 13 a non-profit organization is forming to raise money to purchase additional amenities for the city’s new Convention Hall.
The group’s first meeting is scheduled for Friday Jan. 16 not at a public location, said Kurkowski, who will head the organization. He said in a few weeks, the organization would appear before City Council to outline its strategies.
The group will solicit funds from “every possible source,” seeking $5 to $500,000, said Kurkowski.
City Solicitor Tony Mono has agreed to help the organization incorporate on a pro bono basis.
Mayor Edward J. Mahaney said the group was not an “official city function,” but a “private endeavor to assist in putting additional amenities into the Convention Hall facility beyond which the city bond issue calls for and our plans call for.”
He said Kurkowski approached each member of council on an individual basis with the idea.
Kurkowski said the group will feature “high profile” community members such as Dave Clemans, Hilary Pritchard, Tom Carroll, Michael Clark and Jim Moffatt.
Kurkowski said the group wanted to make sure the new hall “will truly be a first class facility.”
Council had $984,000 to spend on interior features of the building. Some cost compromises were made that private funding may be able to address such as upgraded seating in the main hall, additional risers, upgraded theatrical sound and lights, an option of black out curtains for a wall of glass behind the stage area and a telescoping portable stage.
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