Sunday, January 5, 2025


Gov. Murphy Announces Comprehensive Set of Initiatives to Combat Climate Change and Power the ‘Next New Jersey’

Gov. Phil Murphy
Lev Radin/

Gov. Phil Murphy

By From the Office of Gov. Phil Murphy

NEW BRUNSWICK – In an address today (Feb. 15) at Rutgers University, Governor Phil Murphy announced a series of new and accelerated targets and commitments to build upon the Administration’s nation-leading climate action record. The Administration will bolster its robust climate adaptation and mitigation efforts through an accelerated target of 100% clean energy by 2035, ambitious goal-setting for electrification of the state’s building sector, and collaborative planning for the future of the State’s natural gas utilities, through three Executive Orders signed by the Governor this morning. Additionally, the State will offer new grant funding for heavy-duty electric vehicles (EVs), initiate the process to adopt Advanced Clean Cars II in New Jersey and ensure 100 percent of new cars sold in 2035 are zero-emission vehicles, and enact rules to enhance flood protection in riverine and coastal areas. 
“These bold targets and carefully crafted initiatives signal our unequivocal commitment to swift and concrete climate action today,” said Governor Murphy. “We’ve turned our vision for a greener tomorrow into a responsible and actionable roadmap to guide us, and it’s through that pragmatic, evidence-based approach that we will ultimately arrive at our destination. Combined with our federal partnerships reinforced through the Inflation Reduction Act, these comprehensive initiatives will better protect and prepare every New Jersey community, including those on the front lines of climate change who have previously been left out and left behind.” 
“The climate change impacts we are already experiencing in our state demand that we take innovative, decisive action today to give future generations of New Jersey residents a chance at a good quality of life,” said Lt. Governor Sheila Oliver. “Our deep affection for New Jersey and the people who call it home propel us to adopt policies and launch programs that help us address and adapt to the realities of climate change. It is with pride that the Murphy Administration takes a leadership role on this urgent issue and we are hopeful that New Jerseyans of every walk of life will support these efforts to promote climate resilience.” 
“New Jersey has remained at the forefront of meaningful climate action since the outset of the Murphy Administration, and today’s commitments prove that we are fortifying our state’s resilience with more focus than ever before,” said Jane Cohen, Executive Director of the Governor’s Office of Climate Action and the Green Economy. “From the overburdened communities suffering the brunt of pollution today to our children and grandchildren who will experience extreme weather events tomorrow, we know that the stakes are too high to delay our transition to 100% clean energy. The steps we take now will better protect our communities and catalyze the growth of our clean energy economy for generations to come.” 
The Governor outlined six pillars that will serve as the foundation for a cleaner, greener, and more resilient New Jersey. 

  1. Adoption through Executive Order No. 315 of an accelerated target of 100% clean energy by 2035, defined as 100% of the electricity sold in the State to come from clean sources of electricity by January 1, 2035 through clean energy market mechanisms, paired with support for a Clean Energy Standard in New Jersey
  2. Adoption through Executive Order No. 316 of a target to install zero-carbon-emission space heating and cooling systems in 400,000 homes and 20,000 commercial properties and make 10% of all low-to-moderate income (LMI) properties electrification-ready by 2030
  3. Initiation through Executive Order No. 317 of a process in partnership with the state’s hometown utilities, key stakeholders including organized labor, and the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) to plan for the Future of the Natural Gas Utility in New Jersey
  4. Allocation of $70 million in unobligated Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) auction proceeds toward lowering consumer upfront costs for medium- and heavy-duty EV adoption
  5. Initiation of the stakeholdering process to adopt Advanced Clean Cars II in New Jersey, which would require all new cars and light-duty truck sales to be zero-emission vehicles (ZEV) by 2035
  6. Anticipated proposal of the NJ PACT REAL rules in Summer 2023, which will provide enhanced flood protection for homeowners, businesses, and infrastructure against increased flooding in riverine and coastal areas

“Governor Murphy’s new goal of 100 percent clean energy by 2035 is an incredibly important and sensible policy initiative that solidifies New Jersey as a leader at the forefront of the battle to address the climate crisis as one of only two states plus the District of Columbia with a 100 percent clean energy goal in the 2030s,” said BPU President Joseph L. Fiordaliso. “We will continue to thoughtfully and prudently work to achieve the Governor’s vision for a cleaner and healthier New Jersey with a robust and equitable clean energy economy comprised of good, union, family-sustaining and community-building jobs.” 
“The Department of Environmental Protection looks forward to engaging routinely with residents and stakeholders as we take further steps to reduce and respond to the increasing impacts of climate change that are adversely affecting our state,” said Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Commissioner Shawn M. LaTourette. “With Governor Murphy’s leadership and support, DEP will make new investments and advance regulatory reforms that, together, will help reduce emissions of climate pollutants and better protect our communities and businesses from extreme weather, flooding, and sea-level rise.” 
“Governor Murphy has led New Jersey to the forefront in the fight against climate change,” said New Jersey Economic Development Authority Chief Executive Officer Tim Sullivan. “These bold, transformative initiatives will help safeguard our environment, improve the health of New Jerseyans, and secure our economic future. The steps announced today will bolster our transition to 100 percent clean energy and create high-quality, good-paying jobs now and in the years to come.”
“The actions taken today by Governor Murphy cement New Jersey’s status as a national leader in tackling climate change. Achieving 100% clean electricity by 2035 will significantly reduce pollution that harms the planet and public health, while growing a 21st century economy in the Garden State,” said Eric Miller, NJ Energy Policy Director with the Natural Resources Defense Council. “With affordable and clean electricity, New Jersey can leverage billions of dollars in federal funding to rapidly decarbonize the building sector—lowering energy costs for residents and businesses and putting New Jersey on course to achieve its goal of reducing economy-wide emissions 50% by 2030.”
“With these strong actions Governor Murphy is continuing his leadership to address the climate crisis, create a prosperous clean energy economy with good jobs, and make our communities healthier, especially those historically overburdened by pollution,” said Tom Gilbert, co-executive director of NJ Conservation Foundation and director of the Rethink Energy NJ campaign. “By smartly tapping into significant new federal climate funding, New Jersey can accelerate progress while ensuring an affordable transition to clean energy.”
“With today’s bold executive actions, Governor Murphy is again putting New Jersey at the forefront of the fight against climate change. Governor Murphy has set the most ambitious clean energy goal in the nation – 100% clean electricity by 2035, which meets not only the moment, but the goal New Jersey LCV set in 2021. We are thrilled to see a roadmap to 100% clean electricity, meaningful commitments to electrify buildings, vans, trucks, and buses and updated coastal rules to protect families and businesses – all as we step up efforts to protect our communities from the impacts of climate change,” said Ed Potosnak, Executive Director of the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters. “These important environmental policies will also position our state to be a leader in creating new union jobs in growing green industries even as we slash carbon pollution. Other states looking to combat climate change, protect our environment, and create good local jobs that can’t be outsourced must now take their cues from New Jersey.”
“This accelerated new goal of 100% clean electricity by 2035 bumps up the timeline for achieving a clean energy transition by 15 years and takes a significant and needed step to meet the urgency of the climate crisis,” said Anjuli Ramos-Busot, Director of New Jersey Sierra Club. “The New Jersey Sierra Club applauds Governor Murphy for his decision to meet the moment and for working to provide a healthier and more affordable future for NJ families. We now hope to see 100% clean energy by 2035 be codified in statute in the strongest possible way, and we look forward to working with the administration, the DEP and the BPU to make this a reality for New Jerseyans.”
“We commend the Governor’s vision for a clean energy future,” said PSEG Chair, President and CEO Ralph LaRossa. “As we manage the impacts of climate change, it is imperative that we work together to decarbonize and transition to the energy systems of tomorrow while continuing to prioritize reliability and affordability. Clean energy, electrification of transportation and the continued modernization of infrastructure can expand economic growth, foster the diverse workforce of tomorrow and provide equal access for all to these benefits – regardless of geography or economic circumstances.”
For a copy of Executive Order No. 315, click here.
For a copy of Executive Order No. 316, click here
For a copy of Executive Order No. 317, click here

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