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Saturday, October 19, 2024


Dennis OKs Equipment Purchase, ADA Upgrades

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By Camille Sailer

DENNISVILLE – Dennis Township Committee met Sept. 6 and on the regular agenda for second reading and public comment was a review of what was termed a “housecleaning” resolution by Committee member Donald Tozer to amend a relevant ordinance related to its code for “False Alarms.” 
”At our latest fire chiefs’ meeting they requested that we update our old ordinance to replace specific mention of Middle Township and make it more generic,” explained Tozer.
The resolution reads that a false alarm makes specific mention of communications with “any duly constituted volunteer fire company or rescue squad situation within the confines” of the township.
“False alarm” under the ordinance is defined as an unlawful use of the 911 service to elicit a response from the police department, fire department or rescue squad in the absence of a bona fide emergency.
Fines provided under the ordinance for causing a false alarm range from $100 to $1,000 and/or 90-day incarceration or community service for that same period.
This ordinance was unanimously approved by committee with no public comment.
Buy Server, Generators
Committee considered another ordinance to appropriate $25,000 for the acquisition of various pieces of equipment and completion of capital improvements. 
This ordinance was heard on second reading with opportunity for public comment.
According to its text, there are sufficient funds on hand for the purpose under the township’s Capital Improvement Fund for use to improve two generators for a total of $10,000, one generator to be located at the Municipal Building and the other at the Senior Center. 
No additional debt for this purchase is authorized under the ordinance. The second aspect of the purchase ordinance is to buy a piece of technology equipment, namely a server, for $15,000.
“This generator will support our file servers and data back-ups since the one we had been using is no longer functioning, maybe because of lightning,” said Municipal Clerk Jacqueline Judge.
Committee approved the ordinance unanimously with no public comment.
Approval ADA Improvements
Ray Roberts of the engineering consulting firm, Remington and Vernick, presented Committee with bid results from the re-bid of the ADA (American with Disabilities Act) improvement project.
This project is funded under the fiscal year 2015 state Department of Community Affairs “Small Cities Block Grant” for some ADA improvements to municipal facilities.
Discussion centered around which of several construction scenarios would maximize the total use of the $394,000.
The base bid provides for some improvements to the Municipal Building and the Senior Center. These include power-assisted entry doors, outside work in front of the buildings, re-striping of the parking lot to include provisions of depressed curb bumps for wheelchairs. It will also include some interior work which will be “minuscule compared to the work represented by the entire project,” according to Roberts.
An option to the project provides for two comfort stations to be pre-fabricated by the contractor and situated at the Senior Center and Recreation Center.
“We want to make sure that we spend every single dollar awarded to us, and this project offers that opportunity. At the same time, we want to make sure we have enough of a cushion to cover unforeseen circumstances or change orders such as if we tear down an interior wall and find something that was not anticipated.
“Therefore, I recommend that we use a benchmark figure of 11.9 percent of the entire project amount to hold back which will more than cover any of these potential unforeseen circumstances,” continued Roberts. He added that on project completion, the facilities would be like brand-new buildings regarding ADA-compliance.
The committee opted to approve the base project along with the option to add on the two comfort stations.
Roberts will work with the successful bidder, Maxwell Construction, which, according to township Solicitor Jeffrey April, provided the lowest bid among all qualified bidders. The firm will begin site preparation as soon as possible so that the project can wrap up by mid spring.
To contact Camille Sailer, email

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