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SEA ISLE CITY – Mayor Leonard Desiderio, of Sea Isle City, in a July 28 release, issued the following statement about mask wearing and social distancing enforcement and the city’s beach replenishment project:
“I’d like to talk about an issue that comes up over and over again: the request and expectation that the city enforce social distancing and mask wearing, and that the local government, somehow, use its power to make people do what is right. I’m bringing this up because it’s a discussion not only going on here but throughout our nation.
“First of all, let’s be clear – we take our responsibilities to enforce laws very seriously. Public safety is always number one, but let’s be honest about social distancing and mask wearing – this is impossible to enforce consistently. I have said many times that this must be a matter of personal responsibility. It’s as basic as showing respect for your fellow man and your neighbor and setting an example for your children and your family.
“It’s not hard to do; and it’s not about politics or personal rights. Nobody believes more in individual liberty and the rights of the people than me, but being mindful of other people and their health is just the right thing to do.
“As everyone knows, our beach fill project is in full swing. So far, the project has made excellent progress, and the mid-town beaches, from 28th to 52nd Street, have been completed and are fully open to the public.
“Currently, the contractor is filling the beaches between 74th and 78th streets. We expect they’ll complete this section in the next day or two, then move to 84th Street and proceed southward from 84th to the jetty, south of 93rd Street, which will complete the project.
“I’m happy to announce that based on current funding conditions, the city will receive an additional 30 to 40 thousand cubic yards of sand in the final section of beach between 84th and 93rd Street, widening these beaches even further than the project design originally called for.
“As always, please stay safe, stay well, remain optimistic, and remember that we are all one Sea Isle City and together we will be stronger than ever.”
Cape May – To the Cape May Spouter complaining that the Spouts are no longer "just Good Old Local Gossip, that's fun to read", let me remind them that Pope Francis said "Gossip is an evil…