STONE HARBOR – During a Dec. 7 Stone Harbor Borough Council meeting, Councilman Ray Parzych questioned the planned move of much of the borough’s Public Works Department to land on North Wildwood Boulevard in Middle Township.
In August, the borough approved a purchase of two lots in Middle Township about 7 miles from the current Public Works facility, at 80th Street and Third Avenue, in Stone Harbor.
Parzych expressed misgivings about the relocation, which he voted in favor of during the summer. He said he wanted to be sure that all possibilities on Stone Harbor Boulevard had been fully considered, noting that he felt locations on the Boulevard would be a “better fit” for the borough.
Parzych’s comments were not only directed at the proposed location. He also questioned the absence of a formal plan for what he said would be a multi-year process of relocation.
Borough Administrator Robert Smith said he had given the relocation considerable thought and the “plan is in my head.” He added that he needed to do a better job of articulating what would happen and when.
Parzych was arguing for a written plan that could be placed before the governing body.