WILDWOOD CREST – Wildwood Crest Board of Commissioners, during its Oct. 6 meeting, voted on a resolution regarding the former library building.
The resolution authorized the advertisement of a notice to bidders for the project, which is slated to turn the building into a community gathering place, as well as a potential wedding venue, according to Mayor Don Cabrera.
During the meeting, Cabrera and Commissioner David Thompson voted in favor of the project going out to bid. Commissioner Joyce Gould voted against it.
Gould would rather see a parking lot at the location, rather than rehabilitating the building and grounds.
According to plans provided by Wildwood Crest, the project would include fire pits, electric car charging stations, and additional seating and parking. The project’s estimated cost is around $1.6 million.
“Sealed bids will be received by the Bid Opening Committee in the Municipal Commissioners’ Room, Wildwood Crest, Borough Hall, Nov. 18, at 10:00 a.m.,” according to the resolution.