PETERSBURG – Engineer Paul Dietrich told Upper Township Committee Nov. 12 that the project to replenish sand at the beach in Strathmere is ahead of schedule.
“Equipment was moved to Atlantic City ahead of schedule after it finished up beach replenishment in Avalon early,” said Dietrich. “We expect actual sand pumping to start Thanksgiving week, and run about 20 to 23 days.
“Upper’s cost for these 400,000 cubic yards of sand now stands at about $860,000, although the cost will probably go up since the north end of Strathmere has seen considerable erosion; maybe, as an estimate, in the range of $900,000 to $930,000.”
Mayor Richard Palombo responded, “This is great news. That area of Strathmere needs all the help we can get. While the cost is significant, overall, it’s very necessary, and the total cost is greatly offset by both federal and state contributions.”
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