DENNISVILLE — The Herald has learned that the fire which destroyed the South Seaville United Methodist Church during the early morning hours of June 14 was probably caused by lightning.
“There were approximately 74 strikes in that area at that time,” said David Kircher, an investigator with O’Neill Associates of Somerville, the firm hired by the church’s insurance company. While not completely certain, Kircher said that he is “within 95 percent sure.”
In addition to Kirchner obtaining a printout of lightning strikes in the area around the church, several people reported the church being struck.
“There was an attorney who saw the church get hit,” said Kircher, “as well as one individual who lives behind the church who reported the church as being struck.”
The investigation done on the day of the fire by the county fire marshal’s office and local fire department was inconclusive. In seeing the pattern of the fire some felt that the blaze began in the area near the organ.
Kircher explained that contrary to popular belief, lightning does not always strike the highest point of a building. “There’s a saying in this business,” he said. “The most predictable thing about lightning is that it is unpredictable.”
North Cape May – Hello all my Liberal friends out there in Spout off land! I hope you all saw the 2 time President Donald Trump is Time magazines "Person of the year"! and he adorns the cover. No, NOT Joe…