Shorebird Field Trip
What are all those birds running and flying up and down the beach this time of year? Join naturalist Linda Dill for an introductory birding walk entitled “Shorebirds Big and Small,” on Wednesday, Oct. 1, from 1 to 3 p.m.
The field trip is designed to give beginning birders an overview of the many species of shorebirds that migrate through Cape May every fall. Dill will point out size and behavior differences and markings to look for to help in identifying migrating species such as Semi-Palmated Sandpipers, Ruddy Turnstones, Dunlin, and the endangered Red Knot.
The field trip will begin at the nature center, then participants will carpool to the best birding spots. The cost is $15, reduced to $10 for New Jersey Audubon Society members.
Field guides will be available for purchase. A minimum of pre-registrations is necessary to hold this program. Pre-registration is required. Dill asks participants to dress for the weather and bring binoculars if available.
Learn which wild plants are edible
Linda Runyon, a wild plant expert from Stow Creek Township, New Jersey, says you need go no further than your own backyard for the makings of a soothing cup of herbal tea.
Runyon will present a lecture entitled “Edible Wild Plants” at the Nature Center of Cape May on Wednesday, Oct. 8, at 10:30 a.m.
Following the lecture, Runyon will lead a walk through the Nature Center’s gardens, identifying and describing edible wild plants, their preparation, and health benefits.
Runyon is experienced in surviving on wild plants having lived off the land for 13 years in upstate New York. She is the owner of the Wild Food Company.
Pre-registration is required for this program. The fee is $30, discounted to $20 for New Jersey Audubon Society members.
Edible wild food and teas will be available to sample.
For more information, contact the Nature Center of Cape May at 609-898-8848 or visit
The center is located at 1600 Delaware Ave., in Cape May.
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