VILLAS — Lower Township Municipal Utilities Authority (MUA), is adding two more streets to the project to bring municipal water to the Town Bank area, Sprucewood and Pinewood roads.
Marc DeBlasio, MUA’s contracted engineer with Remington and Vernick, said once those streets are completed, MUA would be in the closeout mode for Phase I of the Town Bank Water Main Improvements.
A pre-construction meeting for Town Bank Phase II was held Feb. 28. DeBlasio said a notice to proceed was issued with construction to begin the week of March 19.
MUA has been waiting for a water allocation permit from the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). MUA cannot make connections to homes in the Town Bank area until it receives the permit.
“DEP is dialoging with our office requesting additional information,” said DeBlasio. “
He said MUA was supplying information as DEP requested it.
“We’re hoping that in the next coming months that the water allocation will be approved,” said DeBlasio.
He said DEP did not provide a time line.
According to DeBlasio’s written report submitted to the MUA Board of Commissioners, the “requested permit modification application is to procure additional diversion from wells 7 and 8 and obtain allocation for new Well 8.” His report said there did not seem to be any remaining hydro-geological concerns for the requested increase in diversion.
“However, the bureau wants additional information on water use for existing homes proposed for connection, justification for the requested allocation which exceeds 15 year demand projects and logistical questions.”
DeBlasio’s report said the contractor for Well 8, A.C. Schultes, has completed all on site work and MUA has received all test data and closeout documents to complete the project.
MUA staff is building a well house for Well 8.
In his monthly written report, MUA Executive Director Matt Ecker said 50 percent of Well 8 construction was completed. His report said Atlantic City Electric would be providing power to the site transformer this week.
Construction on Well 8 should be completed in June and “concurrently receive our NJDEP permit to operate and water allocation permit,” said Ecker in his report.
Ecker said DEP has indicated it would take at least 9 months to approve MUA’s water allocation modification permit. He said he believed the permit should be issued in June based upon the nine month review period and public hearing schedule.
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