Thursday, December 12, 2024


Pupils Protest Dress Code; District Does Yearly Review

Pupils Protest Dress Code; District Does Yearly Review


COURT HOUSE – A group of Middle Township High School students protested the dress code Jan. 11. According to a report sent to the Herald by a pupil that day, part of the students’ reasoning for the action was wearing of hooded sweatshirts, something prohibited by the code.
The following was received from District Superintendent Dr. David Salvo:
“We review the dress code annually to see if changes are necessary to keep up with fashion styles and/or student or staff concerns. We are currently assembling a district committee that will include staff and student leaders to review the dress code and other student conduct policies/regulations.
“Any changes to these policies, regulations or procedures will be recommended to the Board of Education probably at the May meeting.
“I certainly appreciate the student concerns regarding the dress code and that’s why it’s important to give them a voice in any prospective changes.”
The following is a portion of the student handbook regarding the dress code:
All clothing or adornments worn or carried will be judged upon the effect they have upon the health, welfare and safety of the school community and  whether  this  costume  or  garment  could  have  a  deleterious  effect  upon the normal routine and function of the public school.
The Board of Education has now adopted a mandatory standard dress policy for all students grades Pre-K-12.  These standards will be in effect beginning the first day of school.   Students are expected to wear the designated standard of dress daily. Students may not wear personal choice attire items. 
Any  student  who  needs  support  in  purchasing  the  required  clothing  should contact the Guidance Office for assistance. The standards include the following stipulations:
SHIRTS ACCEPTABLE: Collared shirts, turtleneck and dress shirts (long or short sleeved).
Shirts must be loosely fitted and midriffs must be covered and dress shirts must be buttoned above the chest line.
All solid colored shirts.
Optional shirt logos must be only approved Middle Township logo.
Shirt length must extend to be no longer than hip area.
Undershirts must be tucked in.
NOT ACCEPTABLE: Tank tops, Tee shirts, thin-strapped tops, tube tops, mesh, and fishnet styles, spandex
Type materials or clothing which exposes the back,
Chest, shoulders or midriff, low cut shirts, and Henley shirts.
Material cannot be sheer see-through shiny nylon, denim or denim-like
Striped or patterns on shirts.
Crew-neck, V-neck or cardigans over collared shirts or turtle necks.
Sweater and sweatshirt length must extend
No longer than hip area
Sweaters and
Sweatshirts must be loosely fitted.
Sweater and sweatshirt must be a solid color
Sweatshirts or fleeces are not to be considered as a collar.
Hooded sweaters and sweatshirts, Jackets, coats, windbreakers, warm-up jackets, hats, gloves and any
Type of outer garment may not be in the classrooms, hallways or the cafeteria during the regular school day.
Students are expected to wear appropriate attire to school daily. Students  may  not elect  to  wear  personal  choice  attire  other than the  designated  dress  code  components.   Failure to comply with the dress code standard will result in the following disciplinary action:
1.FIRST  OFFENSE: Students  will  be  obligated  to  change  to  appropriate attire  before  returning  to  class  and  will  be  issued  an administrative detention.  Those who refuse to change will be sent home (unexcused) until they elect to return and comply with the rule they will also be issued a 90-minute detention.
2. SECOND OFFENSE: Students will again be obligated to change to appropriate   attire   before   returning   to   class   and   will   be   issued   an administrative detention.  Those  who  refuse  to  change  will  be  sent  to home  (unexcused) until  they  comply  with  the  rule.   They will also be issued an administrative detention. 
3. THIRD OFFENSE: Students will change their attire and be issued a Saturday Detention.  Those who refuse to change will be sent home (unexcused) until they elect to return and comply with the rule.
They will also be issued a Saturday Detention.
4. ADDITIONAL OFFENSES: Student will receive a suspension (2 days, 3  days, 5 days)  and  will  be  required,  with  their  parent/guardian,  to  meet with  the  principal  and,  subsequently  for  additional  offenses,  with  the superintendent and, ultimately the Board of Education.  

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