MAYS LANDING—Atlantic Cape Community College’s Board of Trustees met Sept. 26 to approve personnel matters, contracts and purchases at the Mays Landing Campus.
Purchases, Contracts Approved:
–Revisions of Chapter 12 resolutions to conform to Atlantic County bond wording for FY’08, 10, and 12-17.
–Cell phone boosters, Powerful Signal, Hurricane, Utah, $21,150.
–Simcare Support Plan, Adacel Systems, Inc., Orlando, Florida, $42,350.45.
–State Contract, Brightlinks and Polycom, Troxell, Lumberton, New Jersey, $62,827.35.
— Computer Equipment, State Contract, Ocean Computer Group, Matawan, New Jersey, $150,842.15.
— Restroom Hand Dryers, Global Industrial, Robbinsville, New Jersey, $17,641.25.
— Hard Drive upgrade kits, Other World Computing, Woodstock, Illinois, $24,787.42.
–The following non-bid awards for culinary food items in excess of $17,500 each to: Ashley Foods of Philadelphia; B.F. Mazzeo Fruit & Produce of Northfield; Balford Farms of Burlington; Samuels and Son Seafood of Philadelphia; and US Food Service of Bridgeport.
— Retail electric service, Joint Purchasing Consortium bid purchase, secondary account, Constellation New Energy, .0755 per kilowatt hour (24 months), and primary account, South Jersey Electric, .0580 per kilowatt hour (24 months).
–Non-bid award to revise the college purchasing policy to coincide and agree with the County College Purchasing Law’s newly established threshold of $35,300 effective Oct. 1.
— Non-bid award to authorize an increase to the contract for Spiezle Architect Group in an amount of $9,950 for architectural and engineering services for a fire road leading up to the new Student Success Center totaling the contract award amount not to exceed $475,815 as a part of OQ #122.
–Approved a revision to the Student Success Center construction contract with Arthur J. Ogren, Inc., of Vineland, bringing the total bid to $13,809,159.74.
In Personnel Action, the Board Approved:
–The appointment of Denise Marie Coulter, Ed.D, from interim dean, liberal studies to dean, liberal studies, effective Sept. 27.
— The appointment of Nicholas Alexander, technician, information technology service, effective Sept. 27.
— The appointment of Edner Brevil, grounds, labor, maintenance worker, Facilities, effective Sept. 27.
— The appointment of Matthew Gettings, maintenance mechanic II, facilities, effective Sept. 27.
— The appointment of Laura Batchelor, executive director, marketing and college relations, effective Sept. 27.
–Reassignment of Kristin Jackson from director of admissions to senior manager of resource development, effective Oct. 2.
–The reappointment of Mary Theresa McCann, chef educator, retroactive to July 1, 2017.
–Reinstated Elizabeth Franchetti, senior clerk, perishable storeroom, effective Oct. 9.
— Reinstated Lorriane Luderitz, specialist, admissions, effective Sept. 27.
— Reinstated Craig Marshall, housekeeper I, facilities, effective Sept. 27.
— Promoted Maria Kellett from senior director, resource development, community and alumni outreach to associate dean, resource development and dean, Cape May County Campus, effective Sept. 27, as part of President of Atlantic Cape Community College Dr. Barbara Gaba’s reorganization plan.
–Reclassified Laura Campbell, manager, curriculum and publications, academic affairs, for additional duties, effective Sept. 27.
— Reclassified Cindy DeFalco, director, human resources, for additional duties, effective Sept. 27.
— Reclassified Kathryn Flynn, assistant director, health safety and compliance, for additional duties, effective Sept. 27.
— Reclassified Gorgianne Giordano, human resources specialist for additional duties, effective Sept. 27.
— Reclassified Brenda Kuhar, from data input specialist to human resources specialist, effective Sept. 27.
— Reclassified Jennifer Martucci, senior manager, institutional planning and assessment, for additional duties, effective Sept. 27.
— Reclassified Victor Moreno, from office assistant, Center for Accessibility to specialist, Center for Accessibility and NJ Stars Program, effective Sept. 27.
— Reclassified Mary Jayne Santilli, from office assistant to office coordinator, enrollment services, effective Sept. 27.
— Reclassified Eric Stewart, program officer, student development, for additional duties, effective Sept. 27.
— Title change and change in duties of Dr. Mitchell Levy from vice president, student affairs and dean, Cape May County Campus to vice president, student affairs and enrollment management, retroactive to Aug.14, 2017, as part of Dr. Gaba’s reorganization plan.
— Title change and change in duties of Richard Perniciaro, from executive vice president, planning, research and facilities and dean, Worthington Atlantic City Campus to executive vice president, planning, research, information technology services and facilities, retroactive to Aug.14, 2017, as part of Dr. Gaba’s reorganization plan.
— Title change and change in duties of Donna Vassallo, from dean, career education to dean, career education and workforce development and dean, Worthington Atlantic City Campus, retroactive to Aug.14, 2017, as part of Dr. Gaba’s reorganization plan.
— Change in duties of Ravi Manimaran, dean, STEM, in taking on oversight of the Nursing Program, retroactive to Aug.14, 2017, as part of Dr. Gaba’s reorganization plan.
— The retirement of Mr. Curtis Fitzpatrick, housekeeper I, Cape May County Campus since March 2006, effective Oct. 1.
In Grants Action, The Board Approved:
–Approved entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with NJCCC for the implementation of the College Readiness Now IV program to increase the number of college-ready students graduating high school by fostering community college and high school partnerships that improve student success, for a grant of $42,980, over the term of July 1, 2017-June 30, 2018.
In Other Business, the Board:
–Approved the draft financial statement for the year ended June 30, 2017, as of Sept. 12.
–Approved the FY’18 financial statement for Aug. 31, 2017.
–Approved honoring the late Senator James Whelan by passing Resolution 21. The Board of Trustees of Atlantic Cape Community College honor his life, unwavering commitment to education, and selfless commitment to the people of Atlantic City and southern New Jersey.
–Approved the formal naming of the new building at the Mays Landing Campus to Student Center.
–Approved Resolution 128 revising Policy No. 206 Student Governance.
–Approved the establishment of the Marketing Committee as a Standing Committee and hereby revises the Bylaws to be inclusive of this action.
–Approved the revisions to Policy 500- General Administration.
–Approved the revisions to Policy 23- Board Officer Succession.
— Approved the revisions to Policy 210- Student Complaint.
The next meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held at 7 p.m., Tues., Oct. 24, at the Charles D. Worthington Atlantic City Campus, Room 204. All are welcome to attend.
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