Thursday, March 6, 2025


Dennis Township 2/1/2006

By Rick Racela

That’s the only gambling institution that took a hit by moving the pageant out of Atlantic City.
I doubt any of the casinos felt a crunch because of the event’s move West.
Despite all the dire predictions of a negative economic impact on Atlantic City, it seems the dice kept rolling and the one armed bandits kept flashing.
Poker rooms were filled to the brim and the baccarat pits kept busy.
I’d like to know who took the Miss Congeniality honors this year.
Mr. Marine’s seventh grade class conducted a research project on Alternative Energy during their library class at school last month.
The object of the project, facilitated by Mr. Schmidt the district’s Media Specialist, was to teach students how to develop research skills and study different forms of energy.
Using a format similar to the popular television show, “The Apprentice,” the teams were questioned about their projects and judged by staff acting as “The Donald”, without the bad hair.
The students were required to make a presentation based on their research and articulate their findings to the whole group.
When the evaluations were tabulated the winners were, Future Tech for the presentation on Wind Turbine Power.
The team consisted of members Lou Stella, Adam Dotts, Jake Enright, Steve Anderson and Nick Rescigno.
The reward for all this hard work was a free lunch from the teacher’s menu.
Now that’s a treat.
Everyone had a great time and the entire students involved walk away with a better understanding of alternative energy.
At the end of the day most student loaded onto a school bus that gets about 8 m.p.g. and rode off into the sunset – not a wind turbine anywhere around.
Giddy up all you horse riding fans.
The indoor ring at Pembrook Farms is ready.
Saddle up and trot or cantor over to check it out.
Riding lessons are more fun inside this winter.
Check out the Tech School Skills Challenge Saturday, February 11 for kid’s ages 7 – 14.
This basketball skills challenge will have trophies and prizes for each event.
After all that shooting, dribbling and running you should have a built up a nice appetite so join the gang for the Roast Beef dinner.
Dinner is yours for a $15 donation that benefits the Tech High School Basketball Team.
Call Coach Ridgeway at 463-0676 for details or to donate a door prize or food. 
New York, New York it’s a wonderful town… the Board of Ed is sponsoring a bus trip to NYC on March 18 for $30 a head.
The bus will get you up there and then you can do whatever you want.
Visit Time’s Square, Little Italy the Bowery – whatever.
Remember, this trip is a great time for people to enjoy the city on their own.
There won’t be any chaperones or adults keeping track of students so don’t send your kids unless you’re going with them.
Eastside, Westside, all around the town….
Feb. 9 is the midyear Parent Teacher Conference night for our school.
Watch the book bag for information on this evening.
Middle Township High School is having conference night on Feb. 15.
Call 465-1852 ext 505 to schedule your ten minutes in the spotlight.
It’s Catholic Schools Week and there’s a bunch of stuff going on at Bishop McHugh.
Give me a call and let me know what your kid’s class did.
How about that Wax Museum Mr. Heifer pulled together with his group.  Let me know. 
Check out the recreation schedule or log onto for all the info you need to register for sports before the deadline.
Remember, there’s a reason they call it a DEADline.
You miss it and you’re DEAD in the water – out of luck.
Until next week, watch out for the construction vehicles at Rt83&47 – somebody’s gotta teach those guys to drive.
Can you say, “tractor-trailer training school”?
The guy with the hardhat has limited traffic flow skills.  Be careful.  Hey, come on call me.

Spout Off

Cape May – To the Cape May Spouter complaining that the Spouts are no longer "just Good Old Local Gossip, that's fun to read", let me remind them that Pope Francis said "Gossip is an evil…

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Wildwood – I am all for a redevelopment plan for the Boardwalk area. More than half of those structures should have been condemned decades ago.

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Wildwood Crest – In his speech the other night, Trump announced his intent to seek the death penalty for anyone who kills a police officer. I guess Capitol police don't count.

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