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Sunday, September 29, 2024


Heroin Overdose Claims Life in Lower; Narcan Saves Three


By Press Release

COURT HOUSE – Cape May County Prosecutor Robert L. Taylor, in conjunction with Chief William Mastriana of the Lower Township Police Department, issues a warning to area drug users and the entire community about the potential of overdosing from the illegal use and abuse of heroin. This warning comes on the heels of a recent spike in drug-related overdoses in the county over the holiday weekend, four of which were in Lower Township where Narcan was used, one being fatal and believed to be directly linked to the illegal use and abuse of controlled dangerous substances, specifically heroin.
Prosecutor Taylor is again warning users of the dangers of heroin and the potential for addiction and on some occasions drug-related overdose. These individuals engaging in drug distribution have no value for human life and continue to sell this poison to anyone, including children, all in an effort to make more money.
From January 1, 2015 to date, the Cape May County Prosecutor’s Office and local municipalities have responded to and investigated 40 overdoses, five of which have been fatal and believed to be directly related to the illegal use of heroin and other controlled dangerous substances. Additionally, law enforcement has issued Narcan 19 times to date this year on the street in emergency situations in efforts to immediately render aid to individuals suffering from a drug-induced overdose from heroin. Narcan is a medication used to counter the effects of opioid, especially in overdose it will usually reverse the depression of the central nervous system, respiratory system, and hypotension. Many of the drug related overdoses investigated have resulted in the identification and seizure of drug paraphernalia indicative of heroin use. Of this evidence seized, most often are empty wax paper folds used to package heroin and usually marked with some type of identifying stamp on the bag. All of the empty wax paper folds and on some occasion bags still containing heroin have been submitted to the Cape May County Prosecutor’s Office Forensic Laboratory for testing. The availability of having an in-house forensic laboratory within the Prosecutor’s Office has allowed investigators within the county to quickly respond to and investigate these overdoses in a timely manner.
Prosecutor Taylor added that his office will continue to work hand in hand with each of the local municipalities within the county to quickly and thoroughly identify and target local drug distribution corridors and drug distribution networks supplying these dangerous drugs within the community. Prosecutor Taylor also added that his office continues to work together with substance abuse prevention and treatment organizations such as Cape Assist in educating the community of the dangers of drug abuse. This community education begins with highly-trained and educated members of the Cape May County Prosecutor’s Office and Cape Assist visiting the schools and community groups and presenting a presentation called “Pills to Heroin.” Prosecutor Taylor stated that the program is designed to educate children and adults and provide an avenue of help for users and families who have fallen victim to such tragedy. Prosecutor Taylor stated that inquires to schedule a future presentation should be directed to his office at . Information regarding any illegal drug activity and or any criminal activity within the community can be reported anonymously through the Cape May County Sheriffs Tip Line at and click on anonymous tip, or through the Cape May County Crime Stoppers at 609-465-2800 or 877-465-2801, Cape May County Prosecutor’s Office at 609-465-1168.

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