CAPE MAY — It’s a magical Monarch time of year here on the cape and not too late to catch Naturalist Patricia Sutton’s last “Private Butterfly Garden Tours” of the year for the Nature Center of Cape May.
The renowned naturalist and author will lead three tours covering privately owned garden gems throughout Cape May County on Friday through Sunday, Sept. 10-12.
“Migrating Monarchs from the north are now moving through with each cold front,” Sutton explains. “And, our local Monarchs, not yet ready to migrate, are mating and creating yet one more generation that will migrate south later this fall. Since August 30, at least a dozen Monarchs have been in view at any one time in my own garden, lilting about, sailing from wildflower to wildflower, dashing after one another, and pairing up to mate and lay eggs.”
Friday, Sept. 10’s tour will canvas the mid–county area from North Cape May to Rio Grande. Sat,, Sept. 11 focuses on northern Cape May County, including Sutton’s own spectacular garden in Goshen.
The Sunday tour on Sept. 12 takes participants through the best private hummingbird gardens in southern Cape May County.
The tours will begin at 10 a.m. each morning and end at approximately 3:30 p.m. There is a limit of 25 participants each day; call the nature center at 609-898-8848 now to reserve your spot.
The Saturday tour will begin at the Cape May Bird Observatory, 600 Rt. 47 North, near Goshen. Friday and Sunday participants are asked to meet at the nature center, 1600 Delaware Ave., Cape May.
The fee per day is $40, reduced to $30 for New Jersey Audubon members. Bring lunch since the group will eat in one of the gardens each day.
Stone Harbor – Come on CNN, FOX shows democrat AND republican news! Get with it or you are going to lose again. DeSantis was just now and you CNN did not show it. How are people going to get fair and balanced news…